Monthly Archives: July 2013

Here we go…

I’m about to go to bed for my first night in Montevideo, UY and what a day… I didn’t think that flying was going to be too bad but after getting off a 3 hr flight from Boston to Miami and having to rush right onto my 9 hr flight to Montevideo I think it’s safe to say I hate flying, for the time being at least.

What’s hit me the most today is the reality of culture shock. We talked about it in class and I read about it and checked out the culture exercises that Grace put up on Moodle last semester, but I don’t think anything could have prepared me for this. Ever since I got in line boarding my flight from Miami to Montevideo I have been a minority. Not necessarily in skin color but absolutely in language and culture. Frankly it’s terrifying. I thought I was going to be able to hold my own with my Spanish, that was wrong. Listening to these people (or any native speakers I would think) is so far from a classroom, even Luis, that it’s like everyone is speaking Swahili. I think I’ve found that the best way to get through this is to completely swallow your pride. I have never been on an international flight before so right off the plane in Montevideo I had no clue where to go. I must have asked six different people directions between getting to customs (40 feet in front of my face), getting through customs, getting my baggage, scanning my baggage again, and then finding the exit (again right in front of my face) and getting in my taxi to go to the university. Continue reading

Un fin de semana en Lisboa, Portugal

¡Hola otra vez!

Last night we got back from Portugal where our group spent the weekend traveling. Up until this trip, I can honestly say I have never been interested in studying Portuguese culture or language, simply because I never knew anything about it or came into contact with it. However I absolutely loved the beautiful city of Lisbon, the small villages we visited up in the mountains, and the very rich and unique food we found in restaurants scattered about the city. We spent four days and three nights in Lisbon, taking small day trips to visit the countryside and beaches. I didn’t expect to gain such a love for Portugal so quickly but everything was just so beautiful and exciting I couldn’t help but absolutely adore it. Continue reading

“Tracking Charity” on PRI’s The World

Today I ran into this very interesting project. Amy Costello will follow what The World identifies as “the multibillion-dollar international aid industry”. It will certainly look at “charity” from a critical perspective. At this point the site has posted four stories: on Malaria in Africa, medical volunteers in Haiti, international adoptions, and the TOMS shoe company. I think it is a very valuable resource for those of you interesting in continuing on the track of community engagement and service-learning.

Salamanca Summer 2013


¡Hola! I am happily writing from la ciudad de Salamanca, España, where I am currently studying abroad for the month of July! Salamanca is an absolutely amazing city. My first impressions came from the beautiful Plaza Mayor and Universidad de Salamanca which light up the electric blue sky as the sun sets every night. My breath was actually taken away as I stepped foot onto the beautiful cobblestone streets for the very first time. I can’t explain it in words you just have to come and experience the magic that is in the air here for yourself! Continue reading

eInternships with the State Department

Today I received this link from the State Department about something I didn’t know existed: eInternships as part of what is called Virtual Student Foreign Service! As you can imagine, I immediately became interested in this peculiar opportunity as it combines foreign service and electronic communications. Looking at the project listing link I realize that there are a whole series of opportunities – in sectors ranging from education to economic development and public health – that certainly fit the interests and skills of many of you. The application period ends July 20, so you should move soon if you are interested in this. You can also follow this initiative on Twitter @vsfsAtState.