Good morning everyone! Sorry for the ridiculous hour of this post but sometimes words come to you at odd hours, so what can you do but embrace them! So anyways this post is just a quick poem that I wrote by accident tonight when I was procrastinating doing a paper for Spanish composition. I was really tired and zoned out thinking about what I was going to write for my essay that I quickly found myself just daydreaming about my trip abroad/some of my favorite memories about it. Of course this led to a subsequent hour of going through my pictures from the trip 3 times, as well as Googling random things “Spanish”. I then accidentally stumbled upon a quote by Pablo Neruda that I really liked, and so I saved it in a Word Document and started thinking about what it meant to me. The quote I am talking about reads:
“Algún día en cualquier parte, en cualquier lugar indefectiblemente, te encontrarás a ti mismo, y ésa, sólo ésa, puede ser la más feliz o la más amarga de tus horas.”- Neruda
Or in English,
“Someday, somewhere – anywhere, unfailingly, you’ll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life.” – Pablo Neruda
More or less, I love this quote. I particularly appreciate and can reflect on Neruda’s words because upon reading it, it immediately reminded me of one specific (no matter how brief) moment of my trip that I will never forget. Continue reading →