Monthly Archives: November 2013

Salamanca y Segovia

el viernes 4 – domingo 6 de octubre: Viaje a Salamanca y Segovia

Este fin de semana pasamos una noche en Salamanca y otra en Segovia, luego el domingo fuimos a un parque nacional y pasamos el dia ahí. Estaba súper emocionada para ir a Salamanca porque habia escuchado que es una ciudad bonita y divertida, y eso fue la verdad. La pasamos muy bien ahí visitando la universidad y disfrutando la noche en Salamanca. Tengo que ser honesta que la verdadera joya del fin de semana fue Segovia. No sabia mucho sobre este lugar antes de ir y me sorprendió del tesoro que era. Segovia es una pequeña ciudad preciosa. Tiene el aquaducto romano que más que 2,000 años y fue hecho sin ningúna goma! Es impresionante.

Aquaducto Romano de Segovia



Orientación a Galicia

Martes el 3 de septiembre hasta Sabado el 7 de septiembre 2013: Orientación a Galicia

Galicia es una comunidad autónoma en el noroeste de España, encima de Portugal. Ahí hay mucha influencia celta y hablan un dialecto que se llama Gallego, o Galego, lo cual es muy parecido al Portugués. Galicia tiene una cultura, lengua, comida, música, historia, y clima que es distinta al resto de España y específicamente en comparación a Madrid.

Santiago de Compostela es una ciudad internacional, primero por El Camino de Santiago, y segundo por Erasmus (un programa de estudiar en el extranjero para estudiantes europeos). Es una ciudad historico porque se dice que ahí están los restos del Apostol Santiago y por eso es un destino de la peregrinación. Continue reading

Volunteer opportunities with Amherst Public Schools

Today I received an email from UCAN “a student-run community service network that matches UMass students with volunteer positions in the Amherst public schools.” For the spring semester they are particularly interested in recruiting students who speak Spanish, Cape Verdean, Portuguese, Mandarin and Farsi. We certainly have students in our class who speak Spanish and Portuguese, and maybe you know friends who speak any of the other languages. The email I received states that

Volunteers submit an application with interests, availability, and skills and are placed into programs at the elementary, middle, and secondary school levels. These programs include after-school programs, lunch programs, and in-class or individual tutoring. UCAN requires no regular meetings or coursework, so volunteer placements are flexible and fit to students’ availability. Tutoring can be for 1hr/week or more.

Please follow this link to get more information. I do hope that we can get some volunteers from this class. It would be great to engage in a service-learning project within our own community.

Se queda en el extranjero

Good morning everyone! Sorry for the ridiculous hour of this post but sometimes words come to you at odd hours, so what can you do but embrace them! So anyways this post is just a quick poem that I wrote by accident tonight when I was procrastinating doing a paper for Spanish composition. I was really tired and zoned out thinking about what I was going to write for my essay that I quickly found myself just daydreaming about my trip abroad/some of my favorite memories about it. Of course this led to a subsequent hour of going through my pictures from the trip 3 times, as well as Googling random things “Spanish”. I then accidentally stumbled upon a quote by Pablo Neruda that I really liked, and so I saved it in a Word Document and started thinking about what it meant to me. The quote I am talking about reads:

“Algún día en cualquier parte, en cualquier lugar indefectiblemente, te encontrarás a ti mismo, y ésa, sólo ésa, puede ser la más feliz o la más amarga de tus horas.”- Neruda

Or in English,

“Someday, somewhere – anywhere, unfailingly, you’ll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life.” – Pablo Neruda

More or less, I love this quote. I particularly appreciate and can reflect on Neruda’s words because upon reading it, it immediately reminded me of one specific (no matter how brief) moment of my trip that I will never forget. Continue reading

My Very Late First Post

Hola amigos!

I hope you are doing well and enjoying your semesters either here in the US or abroad :)

I am sorry that I have not posted until today- I have had a crazy semester so far and I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT IS NOVEMBER ALREADY! Where has the time gone!?

Life this semester has been pretty hectic. I am taking six classes: organic chemistry, physics, physiology, sociology, español, and history of the modern Middle East. I have NEVER been so busy in my entire life. My science classes (especially Orgo) have taken over my life. My doodles in my notebooks now consist of molecules and reactions instead of my normal hearts and flowers. Jejejeje my brain has gone over to the Chemistry dark side. Although I am really busy with work, I am really happy. I love being challenged and this semester has been just that. It feels so great studying hard and then seeing that hard work paid off with a good grade! I just got a 93 on my second Orgo test and that will keep me in good spirits until the next exam!!

Other than my classes, I have been busy with APO- the community service group I am part of on campus. Continue reading