Reflections of a Spanish Major

This is a speech I presented to incoming freshmen at a Spring Open House for my University. It is a personal reflection on my time as a student, what I accomplished with my Spanish major and the relationship between my studies and my life outside of the classroom.  Presented on March 2, 2014.

Sevilla, Spain 2013

” Good Morning everyone! My name is Ariel! I am excited to welcome you to the University of Massachusetts, and want to first congratulate you on your acceptance to this prestigious University! Today is a special day for both of us, and we are sharing important moments in our lives. You are all deciding if UMASS Amherst is the perfect fit for you, and I am celebrating my 22nd birthday today! I want to share some stories about my journey at this University, so please step onboard and keep hands and feet inside at all times.

I am a Senior at this University and hail from a small town in upstate New York named Copake. There are actually more cows in my town than humans, so coming to UMass Amherst was a big change. I am both a Spanish and BDIC major. A Bachelor Degree with Individual Concentration  or BDIC, is an opportunity for students to create their own major at this University with support from faculty and staff, and I have a focus on Peace, Violence and Human Rights. I am also minor in Latin American Caribbean Studies. On campus, I am a Tour Guide, an International Programs Office Exchange Mentor and I participate in intramural volleyball and soccer. I also represent a Study Abroad partner of the University, Academic Programs International in my internship as a Campus Peer Mentor. Coffee and I are best friends, if you can’t tell.

I remember four years ago sitting in the same exact position as you. I had written a list of the pros and cons of every University I had applied to, and everything seemed equal. But after attending the Open House for accepted students it dawned on me that Umass surpassed all my expectations and was the best school I had applied to. Even though it was a rainy, cold day as I toured the campus, I could imagine myself walking these streets as an undergraduate and couldn’t see myself anywhere else. UMass had it all for me, the chance to study abroad, the diversity, and the hundreds of options for majors and getting involved. I knew that every University would have a chance for me to Study Abroad with my Spanish major but not every university would have 180 programs.

I can recall the moment I decided to say yes to  UMass Amherst. My parents and I were taking a peek in the University Store and thinking of buying some Umass memorabilia. I had made this pact with my parents that every University we visited I would buy a T-Shirt to remember the schools by, but when I finally chose my home for the next four years, I would buy a sweatshirt. So as I browsed the store racks it dawned on me, I could see myself growing and learning here and this was my perfect fit. So I grabbed a sweatshirt and walked over to my parents and held it up. They knew, I knew and it was in that moment that my life changed.

In my first year I realized the value of the education I was receiving at this University. All the resources available to me, and the opportunities to better myself. I took a class through the Latin American Studies department that allowed me to go on an Alternative Spring Break to Peru. The class met weekly to discuss the issues facing the country and the people, and in March my class and I boarded a plane to Peru. The trip itself taught me so much and because of the people I met during my time there I added my second BDIC major.

With my BDIC I have had the opportunity to pull classes from a variety of departments on campus including the legal studies, political science and sociology departments. Having the chance to work with a range of professors from different backgrounds I have nothing but praise for the academics on this campus.

During my Junior year I made the decision to study abroad in Seville, Spain. I can honestly say those were the fastest 5 months of life! With the support the the International Programs Office on campus I set up my financial aid, my classes and sorted all the odds and ends before my departure. By studying abroad I lived my dreams and had a once in a lifetime experience. A year ago, on this exact day I was celebrating my 21st birthday in Chefchaouen, Morocco. Because I went to UMass, looking back I can see how all the dots connected to get me there and to get me here today with you. Which reaffirms that picking up that sweatshirt was the best decision I have made so far in my life.

Perhaps though, one of the most important aspects of my experience at UMass has been my time as a Student Admissions Representative or tour guide. I have not only grown as a student but I have gained valuable professional and interpersonal skills that I can apply to every aspect of my life. The most significant part though has been the family I have found within my tour guides. They are a group of people that you meet and know your life will be better because you knew them. It is often the people we meet during our time at UMass that leaves a profound impact on us.

All the experiences and opportunities I have had during my past four years at this University have built a well-rounded, confident and bold student, willing to take a chance. In only 2 months I will be graduating from this University and making room for new students, like yourself to have the adventure of a lifetime. As this chapter in my life nears its end I feel prepared for the future and ready to take the next steps.

I have worked hard throughout my four years at UMass and will leave knowing that I am a better student, friend and daughter. I am proud to share with you that this September I will be getting my Masters in Philosophy in a program titled International Peace Studies  from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. These past four years have been preparing me to believe in myself and take chances, and those chances will land me in Ireland.

Looking back on my past four years I have made amazing, life long friends, experienced the world and accrued an invaluable amount of knowledge and skill. I have grown as a result of my time at UMass and have gained confidence in myself, and maturing into a young adult ready for the next chapter of my life. Looking back I want to thank my parents for their support (and a small shout out to them for driving all the way from NY to share today with me, LOVE YOU!), my friends for the memories and this University for the opportunities. I encourage you see the opportunities this University can offer you as a student and how you too, can grow as a Umass Amherst Student. You are the next great minds of this University and maybe one day you can be added to this list of notable alumni that went here. I want to thank you for listening to me share my journey and I wish you all the best in you future endeavors. I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes, that I subsequently used as my Senior quote in highschool “So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Thank you and once again congratulations on your acceptance! Go UMass! “

2 thoughts on “Reflections of a Spanish Major

  1. Luis Marentes

    Thank you so much for sharing your speech, Ariel. As I have been telling you, I was very proud of you when you spoke. It was a great speech and you delivered it very professionally (I really wish UMass had filmed it). I will remember your speech as I listened to it not only as a UMass professor, but as the father of a daughter who will be joining UMass next year. Your narration of your personal journey was very inspirational.

  2. Jennifer Schneeberger

    Such an incredibly beautiful speech Ariel. Very well said. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, you life has truly been and will continue to be the definition of extraordinary. I am extremely jealous that your next journey takes you to Ireland, enjoy every second! Love you and wish you all the best!


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