Monthly Archives: May 2014

Summer in Spain!

When deciding what to do for my integrative experience, I knew I wanted to study abroad.  I had no doubt about it.  However, I didn’t believe it was possible for me based on how my courses are arranged.  My only option was a summer program and Salamanca was the one for me.  I had thought about it for a while, and it was the perfect fit.  I could take courses that I actually needed at an affordable cost.  I’m so glad I was wrong.

My big issue is that I also study music.  It may not seem like it, but it takes up SO much time.  I barely have any free weekends ever.  I have to practice all the time.  I mean, it’s a huge amount of work, but with it comes great satisfaction.  But aside from the time my Voice Minor takes, the classes are offered in sequence.  Every semester the courses are different and they must be taken in order.  That being said, I could never take a semester off.  There’s just no way.  I’d be a full year behind instead of just one semester.  And if I may say, college is not cheap at all. Continue reading

Started Wide Open… Still Wide Open

So this is weird. Everybody else gets to write all kinds of sentimental reflections about their time at UMass and I still have another year to go. That being said, a lot of stuff has gone on in the last year so I’ll see what I can come up with.

One year ago I was just finishing up SPAN 240. I was a declared Spanish major but hadn’t gotten to any real courses, never mind have any idea what I was going to do with my degree. The only certainty I had was my semester abroad in Montevideo, Uruguay in the fall of ’13. My time there was unforgettable and as cliché as I can sound, it was the best 5 months of my life. My host family, I swear, is the nicest family in all of Uruguay; I had two great host parents that helped me with everything I needed and were always up for a chat at any time of day, and four host sisters and one brother who were all relatively close to my age. Staying there was the best part of my trip. Continue reading

Reflections on Barcelona

The other day one of my classmates asked me that if I could do my year abroad over again, if I would do anything differently. I answered that I would have changed to Madrid for one of my semesters, though now that I am reflecting some, I wouldn’t change a thing.

Improving our language ability is a major part of why we study abroad, though truthfully we take away much more than that. We gain independence, self-sufficiency, new relationships, cultural awareness, and much more during this time. Barcelona allowed me to grow in these ways just as much as Madrid, Sevilla, Granada, or any of the other Spanish cities would. Though Barcelona offers such a mix of languages it is isn’t as easy to improve Spanish, I still picked up more there than in my entire schooling experience beforehand.

Unfortunately Barcelona has somewhat of a bad reputation as a place to study abroad, mainly because of the languages spoken there. However, I have found that studying abroad there has given me just as many life skills as I would have learned in Madrid, Sevilla, or Valencia. Studying abroad is truly what you make of it, and I don’t regret a second of my year abroad in Barcelona.