Summer in Spain!

When deciding what to do for my integrative experience, I knew I wanted to study abroad.  I had no doubt about it.  However, I didn’t believe it was possible for me based on how my courses are arranged.  My only option was a summer program and Salamanca was the one for me.  I had thought about it for a while, and it was the perfect fit.  I could take courses that I actually needed at an affordable cost.  I’m so glad I was wrong.

My big issue is that I also study music.  It may not seem like it, but it takes up SO much time.  I barely have any free weekends ever.  I have to practice all the time.  I mean, it’s a huge amount of work, but with it comes great satisfaction.  But aside from the time my Voice Minor takes, the classes are offered in sequence.  Every semester the courses are different and they must be taken in order.  That being said, I could never take a semester off.  There’s just no way.  I’d be a full year behind instead of just one semester.  And if I may say, college is not cheap at all.

With that in mind, I figured that since I couldn’t take a semester off, I’d have to find a program that was offered during vacation.  Now, the issue with this was that I didn’t think I could get financial aid to cover the cost of the program or the flight.  I couldn’t get help at home, so I basically gave up.   Instead, I thought I could one day visit after getting a well-paying job.

It was then that Carole came in to talk to us about the Salamanca summer program.  I had always wanted to visit Spain, but I was still doubtful.  I grabbed a pamphlet and met with her that same day.  After she explained the process and told me of the courses I could take, there was no way I was missing out on this opportunity.  I filled out everything I had to and paid my deposit as soon as I could.

With this experience, I’m expecting to learn in my classes obviously, but I’m hoping to learn much more about Spanish culture and day to day life.  I believe it’ll give me a different perspective of the Spanish speaking world, and I can’t wait to brag about it all when I come back.  At this point I have no fears.  I’m just dying to go!

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