Monthly Archives: September 2014

Internships at Tan Cerca Tan Lejos

WMUA’s Tan Cerca Tan Lejos, a weekly bilingual radio program of interviews, seeks two undergraduate interns. The interns will help us by transcribing audio interviews in Spanish and English and translating in both directions. At least one of the interns should also be able to help us manage the show’s Web page and social media. While these are the main responsibilities, the show is absolutely open to train and allow the interns to participate in all aspects of radio creation, including: (1) preproduction (reaching out to possible guests, doing research about guests, and writing drafts for the interviews); (2) production (leading interviews and managing the board); and (3) postproduction (editing interviews). Interns are expected to work approximately 10 hours/week and can receive 3 credits. Continue reading

excuses, excuses

Being a travel junkie, I spend a significant amount of time thinking and reading about traveling. I by no means think travel is everything, and I would encourage thoughtful and intentional travel whether you’re going on vacation or study abroad. I do think that traveling, whether to a new neighborhood, state, or country, is an incredible way to learn more about the world and yourself.

I found this article the other day on one of my favorite travel websites listing “10 excuses that shouldn’t keep you from studying abroad.” It’s a quick read that says neither money, time, or fomo (among other things) should stand in your way of studying abroad. Study abroad experiences can be anything from terribly unenjoyable to world-rockingly awesome, and sometimes can be a combination of both.  It can be scary to embark on an adventure but my feeling is that you never know what you’re capable of until you try.  Even if it’s difficult or scary to imagine leaving home, why deny yourself the opportunity to grow and learn in new ways?  I always remind myself that sometimes my greatest learning has come from my most challenging experiences. And you never know how much fun you can have until you go!

Internships with New York County District Attorney’s Office

This past summer one of our graduates did a translation/interpreting internship with New York County’s District Attorney’s Office. She tells me it was a great experience and she urges other students to consider applying. You can see information about the internship here. She has also sent me the following contact information:
Virginia Blanco – Spanish Language Internships Coordinator
Tel: 212 – 335 – 4018


Hellllllllo friends!

I hope you all are doing swell and had wonderful and relaxing summers.

Today is the first day of classes at UMass and I am crying on the inside because instead of being on campus, I am sitting in a cubicle at my town’s public library.

I don’t have anything extraordinary to say in this post, since my summer has been rather uneventful. I started an MCAT prep course the week after graduation and as soon as that ended I went to good ol’ Lebanon for about two weeks (which was awesome as always.) I got to see my family, go to the beach, and enjoy the Beirut nightlife. When I got back to the US, I went right back to studying, and have been studying every single day of the week (except Sundays because otherwise I would combust.) My exam is this Saturday and I am beyond excited to FINALLY take it. Continue reading