
Hellllllllo friends!

I hope you all are doing swell and had wonderful and relaxing summers.

Today is the first day of classes at UMass and I am crying on the inside because instead of being on campus, I am sitting in a cubicle at my town’s public library.

I don’t have anything extraordinary to say in this post, since my summer has been rather uneventful. I started an MCAT prep course the week after graduation and as soon as that ended I went to good ol’ Lebanon for about two weeks (which was awesome as always.) I got to see my family, go to the beach, and enjoy the Beirut nightlife. When I got back to the US, I went right back to studying, and have been studying every single day of the week (except Sundays because otherwise I would combust.) My exam is this Saturday and I am beyond excited to FINALLY take it. Hopefully my results will be good and I won’t have to retake it, but I’ll cross that bridge when the time comes. That has pretty much been my entire summer- exciting, I know. On the plus side, I think I made friends with all the librarians … so horray for new friends!

The Monday after my MCAT, I am starting a course with the American Red Cross to become a certified nursing assistant. The course is about a month long, and then I will be able to apply for jobs in hospitals and nursing homes and get some experience!

I hope you are all doing well and I can’t wait to hear about all your lives!

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