Internships at Tan Cerca Tan Lejos

WMUA’s Tan Cerca Tan Lejos, a weekly bilingual radio program of interviews, seeks two undergraduate interns. The interns will help us by transcribing audio interviews in Spanish and English and translating in both directions. At least one of the interns should also be able to help us manage the show’s Web page and social media. While these are the main responsibilities, the show is absolutely open to train and allow the interns to participate in all aspects of radio creation, including: (1) preproduction (reaching out to possible guests, doing research about guests, and writing drafts for the interviews); (2) production (leading interviews and managing the board); and (3) postproduction (editing interviews). Interns are expected to work approximately 10 hours/week and can receive 3 credits.
All applicants must be able to read, write and listen to Spanish and English (speaking is a plus, but not absolutely necessary), able to transcribe audio interviews and to do reliable translations. Students must be very reliable regarding deadlines as our production schedule is quite tight. Experience managing Web pages and social media is desirable. No previous radio experience is necessary.
Application procedure:
Transcript, a one-two paragraph statement of interest (please provide the same statement in both English and Spanish), and the name of a faculty member willing to act as a reference. Electronic submissions preferred. Send your statement of interest to Leopoldo Gómez Ramírez:

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