Monthly Archives: February 2015

CIEE and the Auxiliar Program

¡Hola todos!

¿Qué tal estáis? My name is Cody Small and I graduated in 2014 with a major in Spanish and a minor in Education. As I am now living and teaching in Castilla La-Mancha, Luis has asked me to share a bit about my experience here in Spain and with CIEE.

I am sure many of you have heard about the North American Auxiliar program here in Spain, but honestly even I am confused by it. I have gathered that there are more or less three types of Auxiliares here in Spain: the Ministry program, the Comunidad program, and the CIEE program. For those who are considering coming to Spain, I recommend either the Ministry or the Comunidad programs, and would warn away from the CIEE program. Let me explain a little about how CIEE works and some of the differences between my program and the others. Continue reading