Changing Relationship with Spanish Major

¡Hola a todos! Me llamo Alicia LeClair. I’m a junior here at UMass Amherst and I am double majoring in Spanish and Spanish & Linguistics, as well as working towards a Latin American and Caribbean Studies Certificate!

Dado que este año es mi tercer año en UMass, tengo más tiempo para “crecer” a mi especialización pero estoy en una buena posición ahora con mis ideas de carreras “de sueños” y mi percepción de la ya ha cambiado mucho. Cuando empezaba asistir a UMass, esperaba a estudiar educación y español para ser una maestra de español en un colegio o escuela secundaria. También, durante una parte de mi tiempo en UMass, estudié la salud pública y español, pero ahora estudio español y lingüística. Aunque todavía me interesa la salud pública, me interesa lingüística más y las clases lingüísticas que he tomado y las investigaciones miniaturas que he hecho eran muy influyente para mi y mis deseos con una carrera con la lengua española. El semestre pasado tomé una clase con Profesor Rosa, un profesor de lingüística y antropología en UMass, y aprendí mucho sobre la sociedad y la lenguaje, específicamente con respeto al español.

También, tomé español 378 (fonético del español) y me interesaba mucho las similitudes de inglés y español, y los dialectos y los impactos de los dialectos en la vida real. It’s a privilege to be able to work with such amazing professors, who really care about your learning and your interests. For example, I just recently finished working on a research project from last semester that will be presented at Penn State during an upcoming Hispanic Linguistics Conference there.

Within the field of Linguistics, I am able to bring forth my knowledge of English and also my not-so-developed knowledge of Korean and a few other languages to the linguistics table. This way, I am able to bring in my interest in language in general, and not just specifically within the Spanish language or the Spanish community. I have a lot of different interests, so it has been sort of difficult to focus in on one specific major that I can also incorporate Spanish into, and eso es el problema específico para mí ahora.

Hopefully within this year and the next I will be able to figure out exactly what I hope to do in the future after graduating. I anticipate applying to Graduate School, however I’m still not sure what I would study. It can be difficult to figure out exactly what I want to do since I am really interested in lots of different things, such as (Spanish, obviously) Public Policy, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Sustainability/Urban Planning and Development, as well as Linguistics and Sociolinguistics. Basically, ojalá que pueda usar mi habilidad de hablar español para trabajar con comunidades hispanohablantes y otra gente que quiere cambiar las situaciones de desigualdad en el mundo. Los derechos humanos en los EEUU y también los sistemas que dan permiso a continuar la desigualdad son partes de nuestra sociedad que quiero luchar por desmantelar con grupos inspirados y concentrados.

The possibilities are endless, and I think that no matter what I end up specifically studying in collaboration with Spanish, I will be able to work within many different fields. I don’t have a specific career in mind, rather a few goals set that I would like to achieve within the first few years of graduating. I hope that you as a fellow admirer of the Spanish language and the doors that speaking it open, will keep as many doors open as possible throughout your life. Buena suerte :)


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About amleclair

Hello! My name is Alicia LeClair and I am a third-year undergraduate student at UMass studying Spanish and Linguistics. I am from Central Massachusetts, near the city of Worcester, MA. My father is from Maine and my mother is a native speaker of Korean with English as a second language.

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