Spanish and Teaching

What led me to choose to be a Spanish major was how much I was excelling in it and understanding it in both middle school and high school. I loved all my teachers thus far because they have shown such a passion for teaching the language and it inspired me. One of my middle school Spanish teachers placed me among with only a few others in a higher level class my freshman year of high school because she knew we wouldn’t be challenged in the other levels. I thought to myself that this was a good thing and that I knew I could do it. In high school I was not particularly interested in any other subjects, because I always loved going to my Spanish classes so I decided to stick with it and I concluded that I would do well if I pursued the major in college. I liked Spanish because it was something new that was introduced to me and that caught my attention. I think I also liked it because some words are very similar to Greek. I know basic Greek phrases and can understand the language because it is what I grew up with. Learning a third language was something I thought would be a great skill to have, and at the time I was doing really well in my Spanish classes so why would I stop learning the language I was just starting to get to know and was connecting with?

I am intending to get a bachelor degree in this major because I knew I always wanted to teach, and teaching high school Spanish was originally my plan. I have taken some education classes in hopes to complete the minor and I have come to realization that teaching at a lower level, not high school is the right fit for me. The elementary setting is more where I would fit in. I work with elementary school children all the time whether it be babysitting or working with them as a camp counselor over the summer, so I feel that I can engage with younger children and make a difference in their lives more. My Spanish classes have shown me how it’s much harder to learn a language than it looks. Spanish is not easy, but I feel that basic conversing can go a long way and is helpful not only in education but in the world in general. Being a Spanish major gives me a range of options, but these education classes and extra curricular activities have shown me that teaching is what I want to pursue.

What made me decide that I was better for younger children was working for them almost all my life, however especially this past summer. I was a camp counselor for little children and it was the most rewarding experience for me. They made me smile, laugh, teach discipline and I felt as though I could handle teaching at this age whereas the pressure is more instilled in high school. I make more connections with younger children and I think I could be more effective in an elementary setting and make a successful learning environment.

The Holyoke Tutorial next semester will also further my enjoyment and confirm my choice to be an elementary school teacher in the future. The Holyoke Tutorial is an experience that I did not know existed until this year. I was aware as a Spanish major that I needed to study abroad. However, this option did not really work out for me. As I came to this realization of what I wanted to do, the more information I received about the Holyoke Tutorial, the more excited I got. I think that this experience I will have next semester will not only give me insight working with elementary students, but will also prepare me for the challenges I will face becoming a teacher. I know that working with elementary students takes patience and understanding and I feel the knowledge I receive from the Holyoke Tutorial will benefit me greatly in the long run. Although I will not be studying abroad, I think this is the perfect fit for me.

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