Monthly Archives: December 2015

En busca de las palabras (Radio Ambulante)

¡Hola a todxs!

I am sharing a “radio” news story/podcast from the Internet, that can also serve as a resource for practicing reading Spanish as well as listening to podcasts in Spanish! It’s called Radio Ambulante, and is kind of like a Latin American version of This American Life (if you know what that is, if not here is the website, you should totally check it out), and I hope that it is something you find interesting/resourceful during your developing relationship with the Spanish language, the different cultures and people, as well as current events within the Hispanic world and Latinx in the United States. Continue reading

Relationship with the Spanish Major

I think that at some point in a Spanish major´s career we all say something to the tune of, I have no idea what I want to do with my life and I do not know what I can do with a Spanish major once I graduate. If not everyone at least I know that this has happened to me on more than one occasion. I started out studying Spanish as most majors do because Spanish was the only field of study that really interested me. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life so I stuck with the path that most interested me. And I can honestly say that I am glad I did because even though I have had my doubts about my studies, I can say something that most college students probably cannot, I love what I study. Continue reading

Spanish and Education

If you are studying Spanish and are also interested in pursuing a career in education there are a few different paths you can take. One of which is teaching Spanish at the middle or high school levels. However, what has begun to interest me is dual language education. After coming back from being abroad my language skills have been greatly improved and I was much more comfortable speaking Spanish with teachers and peers. With this new found language confidence I began to think about my passion for teaching from a foreign language stand point. There is a school in Holyoke called the Metcalf school and they are beginning to implement Spanish dual language programs. I am currently working with a dual language first grade class, and it has been an absolutely incredible experience. For those of you who are unfamiliar with how a program such as this one works, children receive more or less the same instruction in both languages each day, but in separate classrooms. Continue reading

Holyoke Tutorial

Playing a sport at UMass has been a great experience and I would do it all over again, however, I was unfortunately not able to study abroad due to a demanding year-round schedule.  I had always wanted to study abroad but it just wasn’t working out for me.  When I met with my advisor (Albert Lloret) we discussed the possible options that allowed me to carry out my integrative experience requirement.  The only realistic option was the Holyoke Tutorial.  It wasn’t exactly what I had in mind for my integrative experience but it would have to do.  Fast forward a few months and I am very happy to have had the opportunity to work with the children in Holyoke. Continue reading

Soñando en español

“Un viaje de bucear no vale tanto,” dije en una manera confundida cuando el director del programa académica me dijo el precio de una excursión. Ya fui en el mismo tour el año pasado con mi programa de study abroad. ¿Cómo y por qué el precio había bajado tanto en los últimos meses? No lo pude creer. Sigue peleando con el director para asegurar que pudiera tener la oportunidad bucear en Costa Rica. Al final, me permitió participar con los demás del programa y vi algunas ballenas. Todo parecía muy vago pero familiar a la vez. Ya estudié en Costa Rica,  como podría estar allí ahora mismo? Es que estaba soñando, y por la primera vez estaba soñando en español. Continue reading

Readjusting to life back home

In the Spring of 2014 I studied abroad in Granada, Spain. Like everyone will tell you, studying abroad was the best decision I could’ve made. I made new friends, had an amazing opportunity to interact with the culture, and eat the most amazing food – but I’m sure by now you’ve head all of that a million times over. So I want to talk about my experience returning from Spain; because that’s something that a lot of people don’t want to talk about because it’s honestly not always pleasant.

Now to preface, I have to say again that Granada was the most amazing experience. I learned so much not only about the Spanish language and culture, but about myself. Continue reading

Viviendo la ‘pura vida’

Pura vida

‘Pura vida’ significa muchas cosas, puede ser un saludo, un despedido, una manera de decir que todo está bien. En Costa Rica, el frase vale más que todo eso. Representa una manera de vivir, sin todas las cosas materiales, alredador de la belleza de la naturaleza y la tranquilidad del momento. Interpreto la esencia de ‘pura vida’ como el poder de vivir en el momento sin preocuparse del pasado o del futuro, y para realizar la felizidad en qualquier lugar en donde se encuentra. Viví la pura vida en mi tiempo en Costa Rica, pero la llevo conmigo a través de toda mi vida. Esto es mi experiencia de vivir la pura vida. Continue reading