Decisions as a transfer student

Coming to UMass as a Jr Year transfer left me with a lot to figure out in an extremely short period of time. My first problem came when I noticed I would have to take on a much heavier course load to ensure that I would graduate on time. A course load that when paired up with having a job didn’t leave me with much time for anything else and in an attempt to avoid any complications, I eliminated the possibility of studying abroad. Depending on where you transfer from, all your classes might not meet UMass’ requirements and you may feel rushed and pressured to cram as many classes as possible into each semester to graduate on time. This was my biggest mistake, fortunately I was able to notice and make a change but some advice that I would like to give is to not put too much focus on the time you’re spending here because the experiences that comes with it are like none you’ll find anywhere else.
Each semester along with the people I’ve met has taught me something different, allowed me to grow and improved my core values. My first semester taught me the value of being dependable, allowed me to make friendships with truly amazing people and allowed me to feel more comfortable with my true identity. The second semester has made me more confident and taught me the value of intangible things such as experiences and developed relationships.
Throughout the Fall 2016 semester, I had several moments in which I was torn between graduating on time (Spring 2017) or taking advantage of the opportunity to go abroad and study for a semester. After talking to several of the other graduating Spanish seniors and having the opportunity to hear detailed stories of their experiences, adventures and even some misfortunes I have been influenced to go study abroad and make a story of my own. Despite the severity of some of their misfortunes, everyone I spoke to considered the trip to be rewarding and the experience as a significant milestone in their lives. For some, the experience has opened doors to the opportunities they were hoping for, while for others it is the reason behind them completely changing their plans for the future. I feel like it would be an injustice to myself if I didn’t take this opportunity. I have decided to stay an extra semester (Fall 2017) and study abroad in Latin America.
My decision to go to Latin America was made because I want to avoid the crowds that come with the more popular destinations such as Spain and be able to do things by myself/and at my own pace. The easy direct enrollment process was another contributing factor and lack of other English speakers will force me to speak more Spanish which should rapidly improve my abilities. This is an intimidating thought but I’ve come to understand that the more uncomfortable situations facilitates the most growth and I intent to get as much as possible from the experience.

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