Monthly Archives: February 2017

How studying Spanish helped prepare me for a career in the fire service


Royal Collin Gardner graduated from our program in 2016. We are happy that he has contacted us to let us know how his preparation in our program helped him to become a better firefighter.

I’ve taken a pretty unconventional career path for a Spanish major: I’m pursuing a career as a firefighter. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish from UMass last May, I enrolled in a firefighter training course at Jefferson Community and Technical College in Louisville, Kentucky. I’ve been travelling all over the country testing and interviewing for various Fire Departments. When I mention my major in relation to my career path, or vice versa, I’ll often get a confused response. It seems counter-intuitive: most Spanish majors tend to gravitate towards careers in education, interpreting, or international business, while the average college-educated fire candidate usually majors in Fire Science or Emergency Management. However, I believe that studying Spanish in college has taught me some valuable lessons that I will take with me throughout my career in the fire service.

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