Doubts, Dreams, and My New Adventure

As the end of the semester, and the first part of the Integrative Experience, draws closer and closer, I have begun to see changes in myself when reflecting on the beginning of the semester. Originally, I had no clue as to where I wanted to go abroad and found myself feeling a bit lost. Feeling lost and being a Junior in college do not make the best mix, and this caused quite a bit of anxiety for me in looking forward. I knew that I wanted to work in translation and interpreting but I wasn’t sure what next steps I should take to make that happen. I began to question myself and doubt if I had chosen the right field.

However, as the semester progressed and our IE class made us reflect deeper and deeper on our drives, our goals, and our passions for learning Spanish, I began to feel more grounded. This class does not just make its students do arbitrary work, every assignment and every minute of class time was used to help us form a plan for ourselves, and understand the difficulties that come with them.

Through this class, I began to realize that I was getting caught up on arbitrary fears and that I was the only thing holding me back. Now I feel confident that I want to become a medical interpreter. It will be difficult, the training and material will challenge me in ways that I have never been challenged before, and I am excited for it. What really struck the cord for me was the in-class Skype call we had with a previous student of Luis Marentes who had studied abroad in Montevideo, Uruguay and is now working as a program director for the Spain branch of the YMCA. Like myself, he was unsure of what his future held for him, and found himself at a crossroads. In taking the IE class and meeting with Luis, he was able to find a program that best suited him. Being abroad gave him the skills and the knowledge he could apply towards future careers. Seeing this, I thought I would take a look at the Montevideo program. Since it worked out for him why not at least take a look at it, right? So, I popped on the computer and made my way to the IPO website, honestly not expecting much. And oh boy, am I glad I did. The exchange program goes through La Universidad de Montevideo and was quite new, with the second ever exchange student still currently doing the program! Not that it really mattered, but I thought it was interesting. Continuing onto the UM website I began perusing their programs, eventually finding my way to their Department of the Humanities where something caught my eye. The offered concentrations on Translation and Interpreting with various concentrations ranging from legal to medical translation. So, by that point I was very intrigued but skeptical. Obviously, there must be another university with a similar program. And yes, there was… kind of. The other South American programs in Argentina, and Bolivia had classes on translation but not a full-blown concentration like what was offered at UM. In terms of my academics, I was hooked. I mean that’s major reason for me going abroad it to expand my knowledge, right? The rest in terms of culture, would just be an added bonus. Being the American™ that I am, I had very little knowledge of Uruguay aside from where it was on the map, let alone wherever Montevideo was inside of it. Thankfully Google had my back. Pictures of a beautiful port city filled my screen along with reviews from tourist, and local history. To say I had to pick my jaw up off of the floor when I found out the cost of an apartment 10 minutes away from the beach was well under $600 a month was no exaggeration.

Uruguay, Montevideo

The city is gorgeous, and the country was a lot more progressive than I would have thought. The more I researched the more I fell in love with the program, and now I can say with great enthusiasm that I have started my application and will hopefully be studying at La Universidad de Montevideo for the entirety of my senior year. I am excited for the road ahead and going to Uruguay to learn my trade has become a big motivation for me. So, next time I write on this blog I will be able to share pictures of my adventures and will have gotten a lot more experience in my field.

Follow your dreams ya’ll!

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