How to Know What Country to Pick

Picking what country I would spend about 6 months in was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make. Why? Because of course you never know if you will have another opportunity to go to this country or spend that much time there. One thing I will advise you to do is make a list of goals first, then make a list of places where you think you can achieve these goals best. You have to realize what do you want to take out of this experience. For one if it’s to actually learn the language ensure yourself that you will be somewhere that many people don’t choose for study abroad. The reason being that you will be with many other students who potentially speak English. If that does occur odds are that you will be speaking more English, you may not challenge yourself as much to go out and find locals and make these great connections with new people. Remember that making these connections is key. That’s how you learn about the culture, feel what it’s like to be a local and essential learn things about yourself that you have never known before. Personally, I would do study abroad alone and somewhere not many people I know have chosen to go. That’s exactly what I did. I chose Florianopolis, Brazil. It was honestly one of the best decisions of my life and the happiest life-changing experience ever.

Although I had some students from the states who spoke English there, I chose to take my classes with locals. Meaning all my classes were in Portuguese, which of course may be challenging for some people but well worth it. You not only meet more locals, but you understand the language more and get a lot more out of that experience. I also limited myself from how much time I would spend with other American students. I don’t regret it at all, I’ve met so many people and made so many connections its unbelievable, not only that but my perspective on life has changed a lot. Even today I talk to a lot of my friends from there on a weekly basis. Those choices allowed me to do things I never thought I would do, it changed my routine and my overall goals in life. Choose somewhere you know this may be your only opportunity to go to and don’t be scared about what people say, or how scary people may make it seem. The world is a dangerous place no matter where you are, make sure you do what makes you happy. Although you may be frightened you will learn a lot and get a lot from it. Who knows you may even decide to go back and work there for some time or live there, just like I’ve decided I wanted to do. One thing I know for sure is if you do fully emerge yourself in the culture and language you will learn a lot and even master the language. Do not be afraid to go for what you want or go for something new! Make sure you have an open mind.

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