How I found my passion through the Spanish major

I am currently an interpreter at Crocker Farm Elementary in Amherst. I work with first-grade students and love every second of it. I originally had plans to be a Spanish teacher in high school or middle school, but that age is really tough. I like working with younger students. I thought my major in Spanish would only allow me one job, a Spanish teacher. However, being an interpreter, I learned that there is so much more I can do with my major. There are kids that really need extra support and my major allows me to give them that.

The students I work with are so bright, but sometimes it is really hard for that to show. I help them to show their peers and teachers how bright they are and how much they love school and want to be involved as much as possible. I love watching them grow and admire their determination to learn. One student understands English more than I had originally thought he did, but he can speak a limited amount. He will try to talk to me in English to practice, and I will respond to him in Spanish so I can have some practice. It is very fun.

I know that this is what I want to do for my career. I want to help these kids to realize their potential and ensure that they are supported and not ostracized. My Spanish major gives me the opportunity to work with students who need the most help. Working with these kids every day brings me so much joy.  They love to smile and laugh and are very funny and lively kids. I know that they appreciate me helping them as well, I can tell I ease some of their anxieties in the classroom every day. This major has given me so much joy and I am very lucky to be able to work with the students I do.

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