Monthly Archives: May 2020

From Spanish Major to Trash Hauler : My Unconventional Path After Graduation

Since graduating in the spring of 2015 with a Spanish major and Portuguese minor, my life has certainly taken some unusual and less-than-expected twists and turns. For me, that’s been completely fine. Even before I graduated, I never saw myself becoming the typical “careerist” type. At least not right away, and definitely not until I found myself in a fulfilling position working for a company with a suitable ladder to climb, so to speak.  So what did I choose to do instead? Teach English abroad of course. This was quite fun while it lasted. Probably the most memorable two years of my life to be honest. But looking back, it wasn’t the English teaching aspect that really made these years stand out for me. It was more the fact that I had this amazing opportunity extend my foreign language education for two consecutive years. Each time in completely new, yet equally engaging and exciting international environments.

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