Spain is More Than an Ocean Away

Have you ever felt like you’re missing out on something totally life changing? As a Spanish major in my junior year at UMass Amherst, I haven’t had the opportunity to travel anywhere further than a trip to Disney World; I’m desperate for a visit to a Spanish-speaking country. I’ve spent my entire academic career hearing anecdotes about professors’ and peers’ eye-opening stays in Spain, Brazil, Costa Rica etc. Jealous of their journeys, I long to experience Spanish life for myself. 

In the spring of 2020, I made the first leap to satisfy my desire to live abroad. I officially applied to the summer program in Salamanca, where I’d be studying at the University of Salamanca for a month. As time passed, I grew excited and nervous at the same time. I couldn’t imagine myself traveling around Spain, but I was more than ready to dive into the unknown. Dates were set in stone, my family made plans to visit me, and then the unexpected happened. As COVID-19 rates soared, the chances that I would get to live in Spain for half my summer plummeted. Friends from other New England universities were planning their study abroad experiences just as I had been. Soon, I was getting nearly daily updates from peers about their trips being cancelled on the account of health and safety. I knew it was only a matter of time before Spain was again a distant dream. 

Trust me, I know avoiding travel and staying home during a global pandemic is imperative to everyone’s safety. But still, I couldn’t believe I wasn’t going to be a part of the “I’ve been to Spain” club just yet. It sounds incredibly selfish: there have been so many unimaginable sacrifices to accommodate the novel coronavirus. However, I couldn’t and still can’t help but think I should’ve been living my dream this past summer. I’m hopeful that I’ll get to Spain or another Spanish-speaking country. Sooner or later, I’ll be eating tapas with my amigas. I don’t know exactly when, but I know I’ll make it happen. I’ve spoken with a few advisors in the International Programs Office at UMass Amherst. Plans for the summer of 2021 haven’t been delayed thus far. Of course, the state of the world is unpredictable and I know things can radically change at any given moment. 

Instead of dwelling on the unfortunate circumstances, I’ve made vision boards to visualize and manifest my future. It’s proven through the Law of Attraction of New Thought Philosophy that positive/negative thoughts bring positive/negative experiences to your life. I’m a firm believer that one can speak positivity into existence, just as negativity breeds negativity. By creating a collage depicting my goals, I’m physically creating and envisioning my future. I can refer to this abstract mantra whenever I’m feeling lost or misguided. It’s a physical reminder for what I want in life. The vision board also serves as motivation to work hard for what I want. Not everything is going to come easily or without failure. Setbacks are normal and I’m slowly, but surely learning how to roll with the punches. Rather than getting discouraged, I’m navigating my way to success; whatever that path may be. 

I’ll leave you with this: Expect the unexpected. Adjust your sails accordingly. 

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