Monthly Archives: November 2021


SBS in DC is a professional development program that connects students to DC based internships, mentors, and resources. It takes place every summer and is comprised by a cohort of 20(ish) students. It is led by the Associate Director of Career and Professional Development, Rebecca Bell, and a Fellow who is an alum of the program. There are 2 ‘sections’ to the program– one being the pre-departure course which prepares you for your time in the city and the second being a 10-week internship in DC. The most amazing part about it is that the program director does everything possible to make this financially feasible for every student– and the housing is free!

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Studying in Salamanca

My integrative experience involved studying abroad in Salamanca, Spain, where I took three Spanish classes at the University of Salamanca. When I think back to my time here, it doesn’t seem real. It seems like a dream, like I lived another life. It seems like I was placed into another world with a completely different culture, but somehow it became normal to me, until I was routinely living as though this was home to me. I miss the commotion at night in the Plaza Mayor, the home cooked meals by my host mother, and the way the sun glistens on the buildings of gold. There was so much beauty all around me, I hope others will take the opportunity to experience this as well.

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To Eat or Not to Eat

In July of 2021, I finally had the opportunity to travel to Spain. After many years of longing, I was incredibly eager to go. I knew that I was in for a culture shock, despite having previous knowledge about Spanish culture. There’s nothing comparable to an immersive experience that would prepare you for living in a stranger’s home and adapting to their norms. 

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Spanish and Healthcare

Working in healthcare, arguably one of the most important aspects is communication. Constantly, as a healthcare worker interacting with patients, be it via spoken or written words, communication is an essential factor in patient care. Therefore, it is imperative that all forms of communication between the healthcare professional and the patient are effective and within the best interest of the patient. If there are errors within communication, it is possible the patient may be adversely impacted, because ultimately, the fate of that patient’s life is within the hands of the healthcare professional.

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