SBS in DC is a professional development program that connects students to DC based internships, mentors, and resources. It takes place every summer and is comprised by a cohort of 20(ish) students. It is led by the Associate Director of Career and Professional Development, Rebecca Bell, and a Fellow who is an alum of the program. There are 2 ‘sections’ to the program– one being the pre-departure course which prepares you for your time in the city and the second being a 10-week internship in DC. The most amazing part about it is that the program director does everything possible to make this financially feasible for every student– and the housing is free!

I found out about SBS in DC through a course called ‘College to Careers’ which I took my sophomore year. I decided to defer applying until next year so that I could be more acclimated to campus culture (I had just transferred). When the next year came around, I almost counted myself out of applying given the competitive nature of the program. However, I did ultimately apply and was offered a spot in the program.

Little did I know that this would be the beginning of an absolute life-changing experience. As a first generation college student and second generation immigrant, I had a lot of holes in my understanding of professionalism and the ‘internship culture’, however these knowledge gaps were only made evident after I went through the pre-departure professional development course. After all, you don’t know what you don’t know.

Before this course, it felt as if professionalism was a big secret that everyone was in on except for me. However, this program gave me access to all of that information (at last!). SBS in DC helped me navigate the different aspects of my identity that had previously served as set backs to my success. I learned how to articulate my interests, my strengths and weaknesses, and my expectations. I also became very good at preparing application materials.

It was through this program that I was connected with my first internship at the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA). Because of my role at AGA, I was able to develop a solid skill set and a strong letter of recommendation, which ultimately led to the Congressional internship that I am holding now. My current internship further strengthened my resume, allowing me to land my third internship which I will be completing in the Spring.

Without SBS in DC, I am certain that I would not have completed 3 [really amazing] internships before graduating or have the professional confidence that I do. I recommend that everyone with a major in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences apply for this life-changing program.

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