Get your TESOL certificate while studying Spanish at UMass!

I began my time here at UMass with a lot of uncertainty as to what my career path would be after school. As I have come to learn choosing a career path is a decision that can be made concretely, or you can adapt yourself to life’s circumstances as your desires change. In order to make myself more adaptable for the future, I decided to get my TESOL certificate while pursuing a major in Spanish. The TESOL certificate certifies me to teach English as a second or other language. I hope to use this certificate to teach English in a Spanish-speaking country while I enhance my Spanish fluency. After I feel more confident in my Spanish skills, I’d like to either further my education in the field, or perhaps if I am enjoying teaching English as a foreign language continue in that field.

The certification requires only 15 credits, or 5 courses, and is an online program. I was able to fulfill the requirements in two semesters. Professor Pamela Shea who is head of the program is amazing, and extremely helpful. Part of the program includes 20hrs of teaching, and 20hrs of tutoring. This time in the classroom has helped me evaluate my desire to teach, and see how I feel in the classroom setting. It has been extremely helpful for me to have these first experiences in a classroom under the guidance of a professional like professor Shea. Pursuing the certificate has also allowed me an opportunity to look at my own journey while learning Spanish as a second language. One of the biggest hurdles for second language learners is anxiety and self-confidence, and helping other students who are trying to learn English has given me a new perspective on my on anxieties. Having the opportunity to see so many people from different backgrounds all try and pursue the goal of attaining fluency in another language makes me not feel so alone and embarrassed when I am struggling.

If your are considering the Spanish Major, I would encourage you to pursue the TESOL certificate as well. Imagine, after you graduate you can look for jobs in Spanish-speaking countries, and be completely immersed, and getting paid! There is a high demand for ESL teachers abroad, and it will not be difficult to find work. Here is a link to the UMass Amherst TESOL program.

Since the classes are all online, and asynchronous, it was very easy for me to take them alongside my other classes, and not feel overwhelmed.

When we begin college there is an expectation that we should know who we want to be, or what we want to be, but realistically I think most people go their entire lives trying to answer that question, and we as young adults, new to this world, should not feel pressure to decide in this short time what our life’s work should be. I propose that instead we look at the University experience as a time to seek opportunities, and the best opportunities are those which create more.

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