Annalise Frottier- Los pensamientos acerca de estudiar en España

For my integrative experience, I have chosen to study abroad in Granada, Spain next fall. I was originally going to study abroad next spring semester, but after discussing it with my family I have decided to defer my application for the Fall 2015 semester instead.

I am studying abroad through API. A friend of mine went to Barcelona through the API program and had a great time. He was very happy to have been able to experience the country and all that came with it. In order to apply, I had to make an online account through the API website. I had to fill out online forms, get a letter of recommendation, and send in my transcript. I was informed shortly after that I had been accepted into the Hispanic Studies Program.

What I intend to gain–for the most part–through this experience is proficiency in the Spanish language. Although I am able to read, write, listen and speak in Spanish, I feel that my skills could definitely be improved and sped up. I would like to be able to gain fluency in Spanish and would like to use my time trying to really get a grasp on my accent.  I am very interested in language and dialectology and seeing how different regions speak within a country. I think this experience could relate to my other courses such as linguistics because I will be able to see first-hand the differences in dialect between the regions in Spain if I travel around the country.

I have a couple concerns about my integrative experience and the time that I will be spending in another country. I am concerned that I will become homesick and I will not be able to go home on a whim.  I am also a little nervous to be in a country with a different language and culture. I am excited to be a part of it and to learn from it, but it will take some time to get myself used to being in such a different environment than I am accustomed to.

Overall, I am excited to be studying abroad and I am lucky to have the opportunity to stay in a different country for a semester and learn from the experience.

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