Holyoke Tutorial

Playing a sport at UMass has been a great experience and I would do it all over again, however, I was unfortunately not able to study abroad due to a demanding year-round schedule.  I had always wanted to study abroad but it just wasn’t working out for me.  When I met with my advisor (Albert Lloret) we discussed the possible options that allowed me to carry out my integrative experience requirement.  The only realistic option was the Holyoke Tutorial.  It wasn’t exactly what I had in mind for my integrative experience but it would have to do.  Fast forward a few months and I am very happy to have had the opportunity to work with the children in Holyoke.

Over the course of the semester, I have been visiting the Boys and Girls club in Holyoke to volunteer with the children after school.  Since the first day, I have been working with the kindergarten students and they are a joy to work with (for the most part).  The routine hardly ever changes.  The students come in and have a snack before going on to do their homework and practice their reading and writing.  After all of this important business is taken care of, the kids get to go outside and play or run around in the gym if the weather is bad.

I am very impressed with the full time staff that works at the Boys and Girls club.  I volunteer from 3-6 on twice a week and they are always there before and after I leave.  It is a tremendous service for the parents of these kids to have them in a safe environment while they go to work or school or wherever it may be they need to go.  The environment at the club itself is so helpful to these children as they are learning important life lessons such as social skills as well as being pushed to excell in the classroom.  I am glad to have been a part of the club if only for a semester and will be sad to leave the students once it is over.

I would definitely recommend doing the Holyoke tutorial on top of studying abroad if possible!

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