Semestre en Granada

¡Hola desde Granada!

This semester I have been studying abroad in Granada, Spain. I have a week left here and I can’t believe that my semester in Spain is almost over. I am a Spanish major, therefore I chose to study abroad in Spain to improve my skills in speaking, reading and writing in the language. I can honestly say that it has helped so much to improve my abilities to use Spanish. I now feel confident holding a conversation in Spanish, which is something that always made me nervous in the United States. I have been forced to use the language by integrating myself in a Spanish-speaking country, and it has been one of the most rewarding experiences.

The program that I chose to study abroad with is called API. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in going abroad, especially in Spain. The program is extremely helpful and accommodating. They make great efforts to ensure that you are taken care of and are also being well integrated. They plan several Spanish excursions as well as international. The Centro de Lenguas Modernas at the University of Granada is full of good teachers.

In Spain I have learned alot; not only new vocabulary and phrases, but also about the culture in southern Spain. I live in a shared student apartment through the API program and I have a landlady who brings lunch and dinner. During these mealtimes I am able to talk to her about her day, what she likes to do, her family, and so forth. I have learned so much just by talking to her twice daily. I have tried and now love the Spanish food she makes. Outside of my apartment, there are also many great places to eat. There are many tapas restaurants in Granada, which is something I had never been accostumed to before.

Granada itself is an awesome city. It is located on the Sierra Nevada mountains, and the city itself is very hilly. It is beautiful to walk around the Albaicín and the Alhambra. There is a great deal of Islamic culture still present in the city, so the architecture is beautiful and intricate. There are places where you can even barter. The city is not too big and is definitely walkable, but there is always something to do. I am very sad that I have to leave here, and I highly recommend this city to anyone considering studying abroad.

Overall, my experience has been very fulfilling. I am comfortable with Spanish, I have met some great people both in my program and outside the program, I have learned a lot and I have had fun while doing it. It has also been great for me to get out of my comfort zone and live in a different country for a while, especially since I am such a homebody. If you are on the fence about whether or not you want to study abroad, I would tell you to just do it.

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