My Very Late First Post

Hola amigos!

I hope you are doing well and enjoying your semesters either here in the US or abroad :)

I am sorry that I have not posted until today- I have had a crazy semester so far and I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT IS NOVEMBER ALREADY! Where has the time gone!?

Life this semester has been pretty hectic. I am taking six classes: organic chemistry, physics, physiology, sociology, español, and history of the modern Middle East. I have NEVER been so busy in my entire life. My science classes (especially Orgo) have taken over my life. My doodles in my notebooks now consist of molecules and reactions instead of my normal hearts and flowers. Jejejeje my brain has gone over to the Chemistry dark side. Although I am really busy with work, I am really happy. I love being challenged and this semester has been just that. It feels so great studying hard and then seeing that hard work paid off with a good grade! I just got a 93 on my second Orgo test and that will keep me in good spirits until the next exam!!

Other than my classes, I have been busy with APO- the community service group I am part of on campus. We have been doing a lot of great service and recruited a lot of new comers this semester, which is awesome! I am actually hosting a thanksgiving dinner at my apartment for the entire group next Sunday- so there will be turkey galore and 50 people in my home! Yikes!

Now as for life after graduation- well, that is still not decided. I kind of wish I could have another year or two at UMass- this place is the absolute best. I went through a period where I was really excited about applying for Teach for America, however I decided against it. TFA is a two year program and although it would be an amazing experience, I really need to focus on getting my act together for medical schools- most importantly getting a high score on the MCATs and getting a lot of experience with patients in a nursing home/hospital. I know that if I apply and get accepted for TFA, I will have to commit all my time to my students- which would give me little time to complete applications and attend interviews for medical schools.

This summer I volunteered with hospice patients and I will continue over winter break. I wanted to volunteer this semester, but I couldn’t commit enough hours with my workload. As for the MCAT, I am going to start studying as soon as this semester is over and hopefully I will be able to take it at the beginning of the summer. I am currently emailing someone at the American University in Beirut who is faculty in the medical school. I have been thinking a lot of Lebanon and how much I would love to live there. Last semester when we spoke about our nationalities, it helped me realize even more how connected I feel to Lebanon and how much I want to be immersed in the culture and learn Lebanese. My dad is all for it- he would be so happy if I ended up in Lebanon

So yeah, that is all for now. Sorry this is a long post and it isn’t very interesting either.

OH, I just ran a half-marathon on Sunday! It was AWESOME and I can not wait to do another one next semester!! If you enjoy running, I recommend doing one! And then we can train for a marathon together because I need a running buddy!!!!!!!



One thought on “My Very Late First Post

  1. Luis Marentes

    Better late than never, Rima! So happy to hear from you. I know you are busy, but wonder if you have anything to share with you about your service experiences. I also wonder whether you read my previous post – it is a critique of Teach for America by a Harvard student. I wonder what you think about it.


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