The Spanish Major Experience

Currently I am a senior at UMass and I have spent all four years as a Spanish Major. My experience was filled with learning different dialects, norms in different countries, different meanings for words that are the same, and lots of vocabulary and grammar. I would say I had a pleasant experience because of everything I have learned and everything my Major has allowed me to do.

My love for the language began when I met some Argentinians while I was working and I loved practicing my Spanish with them. They were all so friendly and generous people and from then on I knew I wanted to travel to Argentina and other Spanish-speaking countries in the future. In High school I went to Nicaragua and Argentina where my love for the language and different cultures grew. I loved the different types of food, dancing and of course how much they love futbol. Once I got to UMass I was placed in an advanced conversational class which at first was very intimidating. Once I realized I was well qualified it was fun to learn in a college setting. Throughout my experience I tried to take a lot of Spanish classes about different topics to try and find out what else I was interested in. I wanted to add another major but I tried adding one too late, but I am happy with all the different things the Spanish major was able to teach me. Because of my major I was able to study abroad and live comfortably in Spain. After I graduate in the Spring I am planning on applying for a program where I will teach English in Spain for the year. I definitely would not have the confidence to do that without the Spanish Major. I am happy that my ability to speak Spanish has given me the confidence and motivation to travel because in the end that is one of my favorite things to do.

Looking back I am happy I chose the Spanish major but I wish I had paired it with something else as it would have been very manageable for me. With that said, I am still satisfied with what I have learned and experienced and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to travel in the future.

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