Author Archives: aclune

What is Portuñol and how to Avoid it

I grew up speaking Spanish in my home and learning Spanish throughout school. I lived in Miami for a bit and we frequently traveled back and forth from Buenos Aires to visit family and friends. I have been able to utilize my Spanish so much while growing up in the US and I have witnessed the first hand value of having two languages, which pushed me to learn a third. Portuguese is quite similar to Spanish. With sharing so much vocabulary and having similar grammar rules, going from Spanish to Portuguese I felt like I already had a foot in the door. However, due to the close proximity in the languages I have begun speaking the hybrid of Portuñol. 

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Why I Went Abroad in the Summer

The covid pandemic hit during the end of my freshman year where we were quickly rushed home. The following two semesters of my sophomore year were completely virtual, causing me to lose a full school year of being on campus. Studying abroad was always a dream of mine since high school, I love to travel and under normal circumstances I would’ve loved to have done a full semester abroad with my original plan being in Granada, Spain. The fall of my junior year was the first semester I was on campus since two years ago. I was creating so many new friendships and I was finally able to experience Umass. I was having such a fun semester that I decided to search for programs in the summer rather than the spring semester where I stumbled across the Study in Portugal Network.

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