Author Archives: aerlachersca

Imposter Syndrome

I am sure most of us have experienced imposter syndrome, especially if you consider yourself a perfectionist in some form or another. If you’re not familiar with the concept, imposter syndrome is characterized by “chronic feelings of inadequacy, incompetence, and fraudulence despite objective success. It’s hard to internalize success and genuinely hold the belief that you’re competent and capable” (psycom). When we have these feelings, it can be really easy to count yourself out and potentially miss out on really amazing opportunities.

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SBS in DC is a professional development program that connects students to DC based internships, mentors, and resources. It takes place every summer and is comprised by a cohort of 20(ish) students. It is led by the Associate Director of Career and Professional Development, Rebecca Bell, and a Fellow who is an alum of the program. There are 2 ‘sections’ to the program– one being the pre-departure course which prepares you for your time in the city and the second being a 10-week internship in DC. The most amazing part about it is that the program director does everything possible to make this financially feasible for every student– and the housing is free!

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Combining Spanish and Portuguese with Political Science

Everyone says, “be expected to change your major a bunch of times in college.” However, in my case, I kept on adding majors until I ended up with three: Spanish, Portuguese, and Political Science. I have strong personal connections to all three of these majors and did not want to choose between them, as a result, I have to explore ways in which they can be combined to meet a common academic and career objective.

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