Author Archives: afrottie

Plans for the Future

When I first came to UMass as a freshman, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. It made me a little nervous when I still didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do even after I had declared my Spanish major, after switching from Communication Disorders. I have always been very intrigued by languages, and Spanish was the first non-native language that I have learned. I have always wanted to incorporate language into my life and my career, because it is something I am very interested in and passionate about. Language is how we are all able to communicate with one another, and in this day and age, global communication is very important and a necessity. After talking to friends who have graduated as well as doing some of my own research, I have decided that what I would be most interested in is teaching. Along with my Spanish major, I am also minoring in Education. If I have enough time, I plan to pick up another minor in Indigenous Studies. Continue reading

Semestre en Granada

¡Hola desde Granada!

This semester I have been studying abroad in Granada, Spain. I have a week left here and I can’t believe that my semester in Spain is almost over. I am a Spanish major, therefore I chose to study abroad in Spain to improve my skills in speaking, reading and writing in the language. I can honestly say that it has helped so much to improve my abilities to use Spanish. I now feel confident holding a conversation in Spanish, which is something that always made me nervous in the United States. I have been forced to use the language by integrating myself in a Spanish-speaking country, and it has been one of the most rewarding experiences. Continue reading

Annalise Frottier- Los pensamientos acerca de estudiar en España

For my integrative experience, I have chosen to study abroad in Granada, Spain next fall. I was originally going to study abroad next spring semester, but after discussing it with my family I have decided to defer my application for the Fall 2015 semester instead.

I am studying abroad through API. A friend of mine went to Barcelona through the API program and had a great time. He was very happy to have been able to experience the country and all that came with it. In order to apply, I had to make an online account through the API website. I had to fill out online forms, get a letter of recommendation, and send in my transcript. I was informed shortly after that I had been accepted into the Hispanic Studies Program. Continue reading