Author Archives: Andrea

About Andrea

Senior at UMass Amherst

No Es El Fin Del Mundo Si No Lo Puedes Viajar

En la universidad, no se puede escapar a los “viajeros”. Por lo general, puedes ver quiénes son; están (por lo general, hay algunas excepciones) bien vestidos, luciendo una especie de bronceado y nuevas frases que aprendieron “mientras estaba en el extranjero”. A medida que aumenta la cantidad de personas que asisten a la universidad, también aumenta la cantidad de personas que estudian en otros países. Es especialmente cierto que los estudiantes de idiomas extranjeros que eligen viajar a un enfoque más práctico en un país en el que desean trabajar o mejorar sus habilidades lingüísticas. Es tentador dejar el campus por un semestre o más en busca de nuevas oportunidades, amigos y experiencias. Pero no todos tienen la opción de volar al mundo durante la universidad, y eso está bien. Si bien hay mucho que ver y hacer en el mundo real, permanecer en el campus ofrece una experiencia diferente. Continue reading

But Wait, If You’re Hispanic, Why Are You Majoring In Spanish?

Truth be told, this is a question I hear a lot, from friends, colleagues, even my parents have asked me a few times.  Choosing your major is one of the toughest decisions a college student has to make. Sometimes you genuinely have no idea as to what you want to do once you graduate from college. I jumped from major to major and from this school to another and back again. I’ve been (in no particular order) a criminal justice major, a psych major, an English major, a business major and a Spanish major all in 4 years of college. Business was boring, criminal justice was depressing and psych was great until my chosen path (BS in Psych on a neuroscience track) required too much math for me to be able to handle. After many tears, sleepless nights and hours spent in professors office hours, I realised that I needed to study something that I enjoyed or I was going to burn out- and fast. Language has always been something I excelled in, regardless of what it was. I knew from my previous experiences in other majors that I enjoyed helping out other people in real time. Interpreting seemed like a good choice- I had already been doing it for most of my life. Continue reading