Author Archives: cmpalmisano

Traveling in the Summer of 2021

Studying abroad in the midst of a pandemic was a bold choice. I’ll admit, I didn’t believe I was actually going until I was sitting on the plane. Even then, I was hyper aware that the trip could be cut short in a moment’s notice and I’d be sent back home. I was keeping up to date with all of the restrictions and regulations of Spain and the United States every single day, hoping that with the rolling out of the vaccine and better management of cases I was safe to travel. Obviously, I was traveling to Spain out of pure indulgence and luxury. There wasn’t a need for me to go. I am so aware of the privilege I had to safely travel in the summer of 2021. For this, I was keen on following all mandates and regulations of the area. 

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To Eat or Not to Eat

In July of 2021, I finally had the opportunity to travel to Spain. After many years of longing, I was incredibly eager to go. I knew that I was in for a culture shock, despite having previous knowledge about Spanish culture. There’s nothing comparable to an immersive experience that would prepare you for living in a stranger’s home and adapting to their norms. 

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Spain is More Than an Ocean Away

Have you ever felt like you’re missing out on something totally life changing? As a Spanish major in my junior year at UMass Amherst, I haven’t had the opportunity to travel anywhere further than a trip to Disney World; I’m desperate for a visit to a Spanish-speaking country. I’ve spent my entire academic career hearing anecdotes about professors’ and peers’ eye-opening stays in Spain, Brazil, Costa Rica etc. Jealous of their journeys, I long to experience Spanish life for myself. 

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