Author Archives: Caroline Tomasetta

My life after UMass

After graduating in December 2018 as a Spanish and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies major, I had a soild yet broad understanding of what kind of work I was interested in. I had always wanted to be an educator, but I wasn’t ready to commit to being a teacher. I loved working with kids, valued education, and saw the importance of social justice. I applied to a handful of different jobs in the non-profit and education worlds, but I wasn’t overly enthusiastic about any of the opportunities I had applied for, and I was not getting many calls back. 

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Mi Intercambio, Paula

Before heading to Alicante, Spain for a semester, I had been advised by a few classmates and friends that I needed to sign up for un intercambio, or a language partner, while abroad. They all told me that it was the best way to meet locals, especially when going abroad with many other Americans through a third party study abroad program. When my advisors in Alicante announced that we should go to their office to sign up for un intercambio, I went straight to them and put my name on the list. I requested a young woman my age. Shortly thereafter, I was assigned Paula. Continue reading

Being a Bilingual Interpreter at the Amherst Regional High School

In my time at UMass, I have always been advised by professors and advisors to aim to complete three internships during my time at the university. Although there are plenty of resources to find jobs, I still have had a difficult time finding internships and jobs, especially ones that would allow me to use and practice my Spanish.

During my sophomore year, a classmate of mine in the Integrative Experience class told us all about his time as a Spanish-English interpreter for the Amherst Regional Public Schools district. The job sounded amazing: work in a school, work locally, and use my Spanish.

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