Author Archives: ecorriveau

Past, Present and Future

As my college career comes to a close, it is interesting to reflect upon the past four and a half years. My journey through my undergraduate studies has not been typical, nor has it been easy. At times, I didn’t think I would make it through to receive my diploma. Some days were such a struggle that I simply wanted to quit. As I continue to persevere through a heavy loaded, six-course semester while balancing work and other duties, I try to maintain positive thoughts that the end is near. The end, that is, of one chapter, with the beginning of another. Continue reading

The Journey as a Spanish Major

            During the midst of my last year of high school, like most students I was eager to get out. Graduating from high school seemed like such a big milestone at the time. I would finally be able to make the decision as to where I wanted to live, and where I wanted to study. I was one of those students who applied to ten or eleven different universities. I had my heart set on a few, but still applied to others just to see if I’d get in. Ironically enough, at this point in time UMASS was my ‘safety school.’ My top pick was the University of Vermont. I loved the very liberal atmosphere, and the education program was so well developed. After receiving my acceptance letter and going to an accepted students’ day, I determined that it would not be financially possible to attend there. Continue reading