Author Archives: ecoufos

Being a Spanish Major

I have had plenty of ups and downs being a Spanish major and I honestly had no idea what to expect as an incoming freshman. The first year I knew I would do all right in the major knowing people in my classes were at my same level. However, I was stressed thinking there were too many classes I had to take and not enough time to finish. Throughout my college career I struggled in some classes, and others I excelled in. I had some really great classes, and some that I was not too fond of, but mostly dependent on the professor I had. Continue reading

Holyoke Tutorial

I never thought there were any alternatives to study abroad coming in as a freshman here at UMass Amherst. All of my previous advisors had told me that I have to go abroad as a Spanish major and that was it. It wasn’t until taking the Spanish 394 class with Luis Marentes that I found out about being able to work with students at the Holyoke Boys and Girls Club counted as my integrative experience requirement. People ask me if I regret the decision of choosing this over studying abroad, but my answer is always the same. I overtly enjoyed my experience at the Holyoke Boys and Girls Club ever since the first day I started there. Continue reading

Spanish and Teaching

What led me to choose to be a Spanish major was how much I was excelling in it and understanding it in both middle school and high school. I loved all my teachers thus far because they have shown such a passion for teaching the language and it inspired me. One of my middle school Spanish teachers placed me among with only a few others in a higher level class my freshman year of high school because she knew we wouldn’t be challenged in the other levels. I thought to myself that this was a good thing and that I knew I could do it. In high school I was not particularly interested in any other subjects, because I always loved going to my Spanish classes so I decided to stick with it and I concluded that I would do well if I pursued the major in college. I liked Spanish because it was something new that was introduced to me and that caught my attention. I think I also liked it because some words are very similar to Greek. I know basic Greek phrases and can understand the language because it is what I grew up with. Learning a third language was something I thought would be a great skill to have, and at the time I was doing really well in my Spanish classes so why would I stop learning the language I was just starting to get to know and was connecting with? Continue reading