Author Archives: espehlmann

Volunteering Abroad


Last spring, I studied abroad in Granada, Spain. I went there with the intention of volunteering in a school or in a homeless shelter. However, when our Spanish advisers began to send out emails regarding volunteer opportunities, I was so overwhelmed with all the options that I didn’t even want to do any. I read over them briefly and some caught my eye, but I was too caught up in other Spanish adventures that I didn’t sign up. Luckily, one day after classes, I stopped by my advisers office to ask a question and I accidentally walked into a meeting for volunteering as an English teacher. The conversation sounded interested, so I asked if I could volunteer, and the next week I started teaching English to 12 adults. Continue reading

Apartment Living in Spain

When I first decided to go abroad, I automatically thought I wanted to live in an apartment. I did not really even consider a residencia or a host family. I saw the option of living in an apartment with a “host mom” who would bring us food everyday, so I thought that seemed like the best idea. I also was under the impression that I would have many different roommates, including Spanish ones. However, when I got to Granada with my roommate from home, we found out that it was just us two living in our new apartment. Continue reading