Author Archives: jfurena

Relationship with the major:

Coming into the school as a freshman I never saw myself actually declaring in the Spanish major, even though I knew I wanted to continue taking Spanish classes, it wasn’t something I saw being in my actual degree. I enjoyed my Spanish classes in high school somewhat, but mostly liked that I was continuing to better my reading, writing and speaking skills in the language. It wasn’t until I started taking classes here at UMass that I really began to enjoy the actual contents of my classes and the topics discussed in them. When I finally declared my major at the end of my sophomore year, I had decided to go with linguistics after taking LING 201 but was considering ‘minoring’ in Spanish just because of how many classes I had already taken and the thought of putting them to some use. When I learned of the joint-major program in the linguistics department it opened the possibility for me to continue taking more Spanish classes than I expected, and I do believe that some of the classes I have taken since then have been some of my favorites in the department, some of them being SPAN 322, 323, 471, 378, 397PP among others. Continue reading

Spanish & Education:

Even after I declared my major as Linguistics & Spanish, I still wasn’t very sure where I wanted to go with that. If you find yourself with this similar struggle, even just as a Spanish major alone, I would suggest exploring the possibility of teaching. In my junior year I found out of the STEP program here at UMass that offers you the chance to get your licensure to teach Spanish in grade levels 5-12, in this case Spanish but I do know that the School of education has many other programs for several different interests. I found out about this program and decided to look more into it as a possibility; I never really thought about teaching before but thought it wouldn’t hurt to check it out since I had no idea in what direction I was going with my major at hand. Continue reading

Why I loved Spanish 471

I have taken a lot of Spanish and linguistics classes while being here at UMass, but I would have to say that one of the classes that I have learned from and liked the most has been Spanish 471. In this class there was both a linguistic and Spanish approach to the Spanish language. It was a lot of fun because I learned a lot about Spanish dialects and varieties in the language and the different causes for each. I think it is really interesting that although a lot of countries speak Spanish, it’s not spoken exactly the same anywhere, even within one country alone, there are always differences caused by other factors that aren’t based on region. Continue reading