Author Archives: kadeemwright

Decisions as a transfer student

Coming to UMass as a Jr Year transfer left me with a lot to figure out in an extremely short period of time. My first problem came when I noticed I would have to take on a much heavier course load to ensure that I would graduate on time. A course load that when paired up with having a job didn’t leave me with much time for anything else and in an attempt to avoid any complications, I eliminated the possibility of studying abroad. Depending on where you transfer from, all your classes might not meet UMass’ requirements and you may feel rushed and pressured to cram as many classes as possible into each semester to graduate on time. This was my biggest mistake, fortunately I was able to notice and make a change but some advice that I would like to give is to not put too much focus on the time you’re spending here because the experiences that comes with it are like none you’ll find anywhere else. Continue reading

Latin culture in our backyard

My experience of being immersed in a Spanish speaking culture with native Spanish speakers happened right here in Massachusetts and this experience influenced not only my choice of a major but also what I want to do with the rest of my life. Many language learners believe the time spent in the classroom or studying is most important but the most valuable time but for me, the time spent interacting with natives and getting a first-hand understanding and experience of their culture was the most rewarding. It is also really rewarding/motivational to be able to immediately use the things you have learned in real world situations to help others. Continue reading