Author Archives: meghanmccart

Fulbright Plans after Graduation

What is Fulbright?

I am graduating very soon, and while I am very excited for what is to come, I am also nervous to start a new chapter since UMASS has been such a great place to call home for the past couple of years. UMASS has also prepared me very well for post-grad life and has supported me greatly in making post-graduation plans. There are many options after graduation, it can become very stressful. Should I go straight to grad school? Should I get a job right away? What jobs should I look for? I went through these questions in my mind. I always knew I wanted to travel and live abroad for a while, but also wanting to add to my teaching resume. I discovered Fulbright, which is a highly competitive government based scholarship award. Recent graduates can either do research in another country or be an ETA or English Teaching Assistant. I applied to be an ETA in Spain which is a great fit with my Spanish major and education minor. The process of applying is pretty lengthy and time-consuming so I highly recommend giving yourself plenty of time to apply. I cannot recommend enough applying through UMASS, you can apply at large with the rest of the nation, but ONSA, the Office of National Scholarship Advisement will support every step of the way. They read your essays and will answer any questions or doubts you have. They are located right here on campus, in the honors college. Continue reading

When you think it’s the end of world, it is really only the beginning

Growing up I was always very rigid, small changes to plans would make me upset. This made me very hard on myself and I was a perfectionist. For me things were black and white, good or bad, right or wrong, there was never any gray area. This helped me in some ways like with academics, but hurt me in a lot of other ways. I always wanted to be in control of everything and hated feeling like I wasn’t. This mindset led to a lot of isolation. I spent a lot of time alone with my thoughts and they told me I wasn’t good enough, smart enough, thin enough, or worth anything. These thoughts only led to more isolation. Continue reading

How I found my passion through the Spanish major

I am currently an interpreter at Crocker Farm Elementary in Amherst. I work with first-grade students and love every second of it. I originally had plans to be a Spanish teacher in high school or middle school, but that age is really tough. I like working with younger students. I thought my major in Spanish would only allow me one job, a Spanish teacher. However, being an interpreter, I learned that there is so much more I can do with my major. There are kids that really need extra support and my major allows me to give them that. Continue reading