Author Archives: nkhuu

Finding an Internship Abroad

Studying abroad was absolutely the most incredible experience I’ve had thus far in my life. Never have I had the opportunity to let go of the responsabilities I had back in the US and the make my time in Madrid about discovering myself and delving into Spanish culture and language. As a relatively international city, being in Madrid as a Spanish language learner is difficult when it is easy to fall back on English and get too comfortable with your study abroad peers. I knew this coming into the program and was absolutely determined to tailor my experience in order to find a smaller local community and further my Spanish language competency. Continue reading

Being Asian-American in Spain

Before studying abroad in Madrid, I’ve always had the feeling of discomfort and fear about how my ethnic background would be perceived in a cross-cultural context. When I decided to study abroad, I spent a significant of time reading through forums and blogs from other Asian-Americans who had studied abroad in Spain to learn about how their experience was. Especially in Madrid, I found out that there was an Asian presence, particular Chinese, due to the increased immigration in the 80s. Amongst my research, I learned that Spaniards called convenient stores el chino and that there was a disconnect between the harmonies of both populations. Ever since I started the Spanish major, I was generally a minority amongst the white and Latino students that dominate the classes, so I had already prepared myself for this reality when I went abroad. Continue reading

About the Study Abroad Visa Process

Why Study Abroad?

As a Biochemistry and Spanish dual degree-er, studying abroad was presented to me as an option during my sophomore year when I declared my secondary major/degree. Originally as a biochemistry major, studying abroad was not an option for me as I knew I would not be able to transfer any credits. However, pursing a degree in Spanish opened up more opportunities for me and I knew that studying abroad would be a once-in-a-lifetime chance for me. After deciding to study abroad, I selected the USAC Madrid program as it offered language classes on top of a service learning and internship component. I decided this sophomore year spring semester and began the process fall semester of my junior year, with the intent of studying abroad in the spring. Continue reading