Author Archives: odimarzo

Working in Spain over the summer- YMCA Spain

When I decided to go abroad to San Sebastian, Spain, I knew that five months in the country was not going to be enough for me. I wanted to come back fluent and wanted to be able to spend real time there.

I decided to speak with Luis Marentes about things that I could do over the summer such as jobs and/or potential volunteering opportunities. Luis put me in contact with a UMass alum who now works with YMCA Spain. I emailed him and was given the job to work in June in a full English immersion camp in Priego and then to spend July in the camp in Oto which was an English camp but more so just a normal summer camp. Continue reading

Spanish STEP Program

I arrived at college thinking, like many freshmen, I knew what I wanted to do. I wish I could say that I had known but truthfully, my road to choosing Spanish as my primary major took me three years to figure out. I always double majored in Spanish because I knew that at the end of it all, I would end up being a Spanish teacher but, I thought I needed something “more solid” to go alongside the double-major. I came into UMass as a Nutrition major, minoring in Spanish, in order to “solve world hunger”. I soon realized that this was not the way to go about such an enormous problem and also, that I was horrible at science. Continue reading