Author Archives: Pegeen Kerr

When your semester abroad wasn’t as amazing as you were expecting….

Amongst foreign language majors, there’s often the expectation that your semester abroad will be so incredible that, after graduation, you’ll end up moving back to the city/country where you studied. There are visions of strolling down cobblestone streets, adopting European fashion, and traveling to breathtaking places. You’ll teach English for a while, maybe even fall in love with and marry a local, and end up staying indefinitely. Before I had even decided to study Spanish at UMass, that was how I’d always imagined my life playing out. Boy, was I wrong.

In the fall of my junior year, I spent five months in Seville, Spain. While I certainly enjoyed my time in Spain, my opinion about eventually moving overseas were turned completely around. The experience was much more of a struggle than I had originally anticipated, but ultimately helped me realize what my place within the Spanish major was. Continue reading

Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP)

If you are a Spanish major and are strongly considering a career in secondary education, I would highly recommend looking into UMass’s Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP). STEP is a teacher preparation program for undergraduates, and results in initial secondary (grades 5-12) licensure in Spanish. The Spanish department’s faction of the program is generally fairly small (there are only two licensure candidates, including myself, in my year), and is headed by Professor Carole Cloutier. I enrolled in the program at the end of my sophomore year, but I would advise you to speak with Carole as soon as possible to avoid feeling rushed. Continue reading