Author Archives: rwking

Intercultural Understanding from Many Sources

As a Spanish major I’ve had to take numerous culture, literature, and diversity courses, as well as a wide range of gen ed courses and electives. Among the classes I’ve taken are Biology of Social Issues, Intro to Anthropology, Berlin: the Global City, Intercultural Understanding, and assorted international literature and cinema courses. These courses come from the Spanish, German, Biology, and Comp-Lit departments, but they all have something in common. They all taught me about the range of ideas, beliefs, and cultures in the world. Some focused on one culture in particular (like Spanish Cinema and Berlin: the Global City), but others covered an assortment of cultures or cultural aspects (such as Biology of Social Issues, Intro to Anthropology, and the Latin American Film Festival). Intercultural Understanding with Carole Cloutier gave me a broader way of looking at other cultures and people by showing me the scope of difference in the underlying values people hold that make people act in different ways. This taught me a new way of thinking about “weird foreign customs” and made me a more open-minded, compassionate, and understanding global citizen. Continue reading

Two Paths: My experiences and future as a Spanish Major

I originally majored in Spanish because while I was good at a number of subjects, languages were what interested me most in high school. English, Latin, and Spanish were my favorite classes. I spent hours reading whatever I could get my hands on, at times even begging teachers to give me extra books from the closet where they kept the textbooks. My brother thinks in numbers and circuits, but I live in a world of words. I chose the Spanish major solely because of my passion for words and languages.

Now that I’m a junior and expecting to embark on a study abroad trip in the near future, I’m trying to decide what to do after I graduate.  In addition to the gen-ed requirements and the Spanish major requirements, I’m studying Italian for the fun of it, and I’ve recently decided to pursue a minor in Education. If time permits, I also want to start learning German in my senior year. Also, I’d like to look into courses about translation. And this summer I intend to go study abroad in Salamanca, Spain. The program will allow me to finally visit the country I’ve been fascinated by for years while enriching my understanding of its language and culture. I think my courses this semester in particular (specifically Spanish Phonetics and Luis Marentes’ study abroad prep course) have prepared me well for the trip. Continue reading