Author Archives: Sarah France

About Sarah France

My name is Sarah France and I am a current junior studying Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I went abroad to Colombia my sophomore year, living in two separate cities my fall and spring semesters.

Países Hermanos: Ecuador and Colombia

Once known as la Gran Colombia, the modern day countries of Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela were once one, singular nation. Given the historical context of the three nations, they have come to be know as ‘países hermanos,’ sharing between the three of them many cultural and linguistic similarities. I, personally, have only had the pleasure of coming to know two out of three of these countries; Ecuador and Colombia. For the last three years I have spent around half of the year living in Ecuador along the Pacific coast, during the time when I spent one academic year studying abroad in Colombia. I would like to discuss of few of the similarities and differences between the two countries, and hopefully provide some clarity for anyone who is considering studying abroad in South America. Continue reading

Studying Abroad in Colombia

From the start of my freshman year, I had my heart set on getting out of Massachusetts and pursuing a study abroad program.  Like many students, I was more or less unaware of the sheer variety and vastness within the world of study abroad.  When I finally made the decision to go overseas my sophomore year, I felt at a loss; how was I going to find out which program was right for me?

As so many students before me, I referred to my major advisor through the Spanish department, who immediately referred me to a program in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Blind to all of the other options out there, I went directly to the International Programs office and announced that I would be going to Buenos Aires in the fall.  Needless to say, my advisor at the IPO office was unimpressed.  This is not meant in any way to bash mainstream programs such as Buenos Aires or Madrid, however, this is meant to raise awareness to the wealth of culture, knowledge, and experience that lies within the less popular countries within the Spanish speaking world.  My advisor at the IPO began to show me programs in countries like Cuba, Mexico, Peru, and Colombia, and after further consideration, I decided that Colombia would be the right fit. Continue reading