Category Archives: Colombia

Why study a foreign language?

Many people are confused when I tell them that I chose to study Spanish as my primary major at UMass. The majority of my peers question what successful careers I could possibly qualify for through a degree in a foreign language. The answer? In comparison to some of the experiences I have heard about from my friends in other majors, the bonds that a foreign language concentration allows you to make in both academic and personal realms of life are limitless and bounding. Throughout my time studying Spanish at UMass, I have accumulated several high-demand certifications, resume-building life experiences, strong academic and personal relationships, and have been fortunate enough to travel the world.

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Volunteering on a Mango Farm in Colombia

The house we stayed in on the farm.

On New Year’s Eve 2021 I flew to Bogotá Colombia and started my 2022 in South America. My friend, Esther, and I then traveled to Anapoima, a smaller town about two hours away from the capital city where we stayed on a Mango farm for the next two weeks. We found the job through workaway, and exchanged our labor on the farm for housing and food. The experience was absolutely once in a lifetime and I’ll never forget it!

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Alternative Options to Going Abroad

Since seventh grade, I have actively been learning the Spanish language. Once I reached high school, I began to grow a love for the Spanish-speaking country, Colombia. I love their food, listening to Colombian music, their history, its landscape, telenovelas, and the overall beauty found within the country. Needless to say, for years, I’ve been wanting to travel to Colombia. Not only to gain fluency and to explore the country, but to pursue my honors thesis. The amount of times I have switched my major at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass Amherst) is mind-blowing, but something that has always remained constant in my field of studies is my passion for humane immigration reform in the United States. 

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Países Hermanos: Ecuador and Colombia

Once known as la Gran Colombia, the modern day countries of Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela were once one, singular nation. Given the historical context of the three nations, they have come to be know as ‘países hermanos,’ sharing between the three of them many cultural and linguistic similarities. I, personally, have only had the pleasure of coming to know two out of three of these countries; Ecuador and Colombia. For the last three years I have spent around half of the year living in Ecuador along the Pacific coast, during the time when I spent one academic year studying abroad in Colombia. I would like to discuss of few of the similarities and differences between the two countries, and hopefully provide some clarity for anyone who is considering studying abroad in South America. Continue reading

Studying Abroad in Colombia

From the start of my freshman year, I had my heart set on getting out of Massachusetts and pursuing a study abroad program.  Like many students, I was more or less unaware of the sheer variety and vastness within the world of study abroad.  When I finally made the decision to go overseas my sophomore year, I felt at a loss; how was I going to find out which program was right for me?

As so many students before me, I referred to my major advisor through the Spanish department, who immediately referred me to a program in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Blind to all of the other options out there, I went directly to the International Programs office and announced that I would be going to Buenos Aires in the fall.  Needless to say, my advisor at the IPO office was unimpressed.  This is not meant in any way to bash mainstream programs such as Buenos Aires or Madrid, however, this is meant to raise awareness to the wealth of culture, knowledge, and experience that lies within the less popular countries within the Spanish speaking world.  My advisor at the IPO began to show me programs in countries like Cuba, Mexico, Peru, and Colombia, and after further consideration, I decided that Colombia would be the right fit. Continue reading

It’s All in the Music

Some of my most memorable experiences while traveling abroad was those that included my exploration as a musician.

I traveled abroad to Barranquilla, Colombia on the coast for a whole semester. As a musician, I encountered several gratifying experiences that have made dramatic changes in my life. I thought these experiences are well worthwhile sharing because it shows how studying abroad has many doors that you can open for you if you keep your eyes and ears open. Many of the opportunities I received involved me going outside of the box and not relying only on the curriculum that was in the package plan. This mentality can really make your trip worthwhile in ways you can’t imagine. Continue reading

Study Abroad Masks

Through my recent study abroad trip I realized something that a lot of travelers, including myself, seem to do that puzzles me.

A friend I met who was studying abroad at the same time a me in Colombia was from United States planning to teach english in a Spanish Speaking Country. Her language speaking level was excellent.

I guess due to this fact she was offended when a local who she didn’t know would come to her and start speaking in English. The way she explained it to me was, “Don´t just assume I don’t know how to speak Spanish. I’ve been studying it for 10 years, I think I know what ‘cruzar la calle’ means..” Continue reading