Call for Papers (English)

The third conference on the Sound Systems of Latino America (SSLA III) will be held at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, October 19-21, 2018. In addition to plenaries and contributed talks and posters, there will be two roundtables, one devoted to fostering collaborations on language documentation between indigenous and non-indigenous scholars and the other on turning documentation into pedagogical materials.

We invite submissions addressing any aspects of the behavior of sounds in the indigenous languages of Latin America (Mexico, Central America, and South America), including submissions that address the topics of the roundtables. A one page abstract in the form of a PDF file should be sent to both: and

no later than 11:59 PM, April 1, 2018. A second page may be added with data and references. Both pages should have at least 2.5 cm margins on all sides, and all text other than references should be in 11 point font or larger. The author’s/authors’ name/names should not appear on the abstract. No format other than PDF will be accepted. Abstracts may be in English or Spanish, the languages of the conference. All abstracts will be reviewed by a scientific committee, and decisions about acceptance will be sent to authors by June 1, 2018.

Funds are available to support travel to the conference by students from Latin America who are presenting papers or posters.

The conference is supported by the National Science Foundation.