Plenty of supplies to go around. Donations like these keep the shop moving and allow us to focus the on improving performance. Thank you!
If you (or your company) would like to be involved with the team, please contact us via Instagram or Facebook.
UMass SMV revolves around teamwork. From developing the body and engines to cleaning the shop, we work together to obtain the best results. We’re lucky to have such a great group this year!
Back row, starting on the left: Tony Hua, Nate Dagenais, Miguel Novo, David Kubai, Dillon Miller, John Burns, Blake Croteau, Nathan Malast, Mike Pereira, and our professor/team adviser Robert Daniello.
Front row, starting on the left: Derek Wegener, Sam Bernardon, Kevin Moran, Micaela Morelli, Kenny Nguyen, and our graduate TA Evan Rakusin.
Missing from this picture: Justin Barnes, Xavier Pereira, Travis Marks, and Zack Mackechnie
We are glad to be getting off to a great start this semester with the super mileage vehicle. Many of the design objectives from the fall are on their way to completion this semester. We are excited to continue with projects such as the new rolling resistance tire testing machine in addition to working on adapting a new engine to our existing chassis. The team has a great semester ahead of itself and June will be here before we know it! Stay tuned for future updates and progress on the 2015 UMass Super Mileage Vehicle.