
The official SWAG charter is available here. It is in pdf format. If you do not have Adobe Reader, you may download it here for free.

Southwest Area Government Charter


We, the undergraduate residents of the Southwest Residential Area of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, in order to provide an effective, responsible, and representative student government for the undergraduate residents of Southwest, through the application of democratic policies and principles and the delegation of authority by the SGA and the Board of Trustees, do hereby establish this Charter of The Southwest Area Government, herein referred to as SWAG.

Article I: Purpose

SWAG exists to promote student empowerment and leadership within the Southwest Residential Area at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and to enhance the cultural, educational, and community experience of Southwest by:

  • A. Representing the undergraduate residents of Southwest to the Student Government Association, the University administration, and the public;
  • B. Promoting and safeguarding student rights and responsibilities, especially as they relate to residence hall life;
  • C. Developing programs and activities to serve the University community, particularly those geared to Southwest;
  • D. Maintaining a forum within Southwest for the expression of student views and interests;
  • E. Monitoring the University administration, especially those divisions conducting business in Southwest;
  • F. Supporting Southwest House Councils, especially in regard to program development, leadership advise and advocacy;
  • G. Raising and expending funds; including those collected through the Student Activities Fee and allocated to SWAG;
  • H. Coordinating with Housing and Residence Life, Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) and other University groups to better the experience of living in the Southwest Residential Area;

Article II: Governance

SWAG shall be governed in its activities by this Constitution.  The specification of powers outlined in this Charter should not be construed as limiting any other powers possessed by SWAG.

Article III: The Southwest Assembly

Section 1         Definition

The Southwest Assembly, herein referred to as The Assembly, shall serve as an information gathering and disseminating body and as a means of coordinating House Council initiatives, events and programming with that of SWAG.

Section 2         The Southwest Assembly shall have the following powers:

  • A. To make general recommendations regarding matters relevant to the educational, political, and social well being of the Southwest residents. Said recommendations shall be in accordance with Trustee Document T73-098, as amended.
  • B. To withdraw support for any University or SGA Policy, official, or board, which, in the judgment of the Assembly, shall be detrimental to the educational, political, or social well being of the Southwest residents.
  • C. To provide for integral student participation in the formulation of the Southwest Area policy and programming.

Section 3         Membership

  • A. The membership shall consist of the president or an appointed representative from each Southwest House Council and all officers of SWAG’s Executive Committee;
  • B. No representative shall represent more than one constituency;
  • C. Each House Council representative is required to attend all Assembly meetings.
  • D. All representatives to the Assembly shall have the following fundamental rights which shall not be abridged:
  • 1. To be sent notices;
  • 2. To attend meetings;
  • 3. To speak on debatable questions;
  • 4. To vote;
  • 5. To inspect official records of SWAG;
  • 6. To receive and inspect an up-to-date copy of the Charter, Bylaws, and minutes of SWAG and to receive an up to date copy of the Constitution and General By-Laws of the SGA upon request;
  • 7. To exercise any other rights or privileges given to representatives by this Charter and its Bylaws;

Section 4         Procedures

  • A. Meetings of the Assembly shall be open to all members of the University community.
  • B. The Assembly shall meet biweekly at a regular location and time to be determined by the members of the SWAG Executive Committee.
  • C. A majority of Assembly membership, defined as 50% plus one, must be present to constitute a quorum. Quorum shall be necessary in order for the Assembly to consider or conduct any official business.
  • D. All members of the University community shall be allowed the privilege of debate at meetings of the Assembly.
  • E. Special meetings may be convened upon the written petition of one-third (1/3) of the Assembly membership or by order of the presiding officer, providing a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours notice is given.
  • F. All absences from Assembly meetings will be recorded. After two unexcused absences, a notice will be sent to that House Council. After a third absence, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, an official notice may be sent to the Secretary of Administrative Affairs in accordance with Title V, Chapter11, Section 11 of the General By-laws of the SGA.

Article IV: The Executive Committee

Section 1         Provisions for the Executive Committee

  • A. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the SWAG officers.
  • B. The Executive Committee shall have the following powers and responsibilities:
  • 1. To coordinate the work of the officers, House Councils, and the Assembly;
  • 2. To implement effectively the provisions of this Charter and its Bylaws;
  • 3. To assume those powers and responsibilities of the Assembly when it is not in session, or in the case of an urgent matter, unless otherwise stipulated in this Charter or its Bylaws;
  • 4. To prepare and distribute the agenda for Assembly meetings;
  • 5. To provide long range planning for SWAG;
  • 6. To draft and propose the SWAG budget each spring for the following fiscal year;
  • 7. To submit a notice to the Secretary of Administrative Affairs expressing SWAG’s official position on the approval or suspension of a House Council Charter in accordance with Title V, Chapter 11, Section 11 of the General By-laws of the SGA;
  • C. The Executive Committee shall keep a record of its proceedings.
  • D. All members of the Executive Committee will ensure that all official correspondence be kept on file in the SWAG office and sent to the Secretary of Administrative Affairs
  • E. The Executive Committee shall provide for at least one SWAG officer to make a report to the SGA Senate a minimum of once per calendar month.
  • F. The Executive Committee shall provide for at least one SWAG officer to attend Area Government Council meetings.

Article V: Officers

There shall be a Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary, and Treasurer of SWAG, who shall be popularly elected by the undergraduate residents of the Southwest Residential Area, as proscribed in SGA Bylaws.  In addition, there shall be an Events Coordinator and Public Relations Officer whom shall be appointed by the Governor and approved by the elected officers. Additional officers may also be appointed by the Governor and approved by the Executive Committee.

Section 1         Powers and Responsibilities

  • A. All officers of SWAG shall adhere to the following:
  • 1. All officers shall be voting members of the Assembly.
  • 2. All officers shall be ex-officio members of the House Council Forum
  • 3. Officers are required to live in the Southwest Residential Area for both semesters of their terms.
  • B. The Governor:
  • 1. Shall be the chief presiding officer of SWAG.
  • 2. Shall have Signature Responsibility for SWAG accounts.
  • 3. Shall appoint, with the approval of the Executive Committee, Elections Commissioners consistent with Title VIII, Chapter 3 of the General By-laws of the SGA.
  • 4. Shall appoint, with the approval of the Executive Committee, a Senator at-Large consistent with Title II, Chapter 4 of the General By-laws of the SGA.
  • 5. Shall attend scheduled Coordinating Council meetings as defined by Title I, Chapter 8 of the General By-laws of the SGA.
  • 6. Shall exercise supervision over SWAG and all its activities.
  • 7. Shall represent and speak for SWAG to other organizations, the University administration, and the public.
  • 8. Shall preside over meetings of the Assembly and the Executive Committee.
  • 9. Shall be empowered to make all SWAG appointments to positions on SGA and University committees, councils, boards, and organizations with non-elected representatives from the Southwest undergraduate population. Those positions include:
  • a. Southwest undergraduate positions on search and selection committees for University professional staff (including those of Housing and Residence Life).
  • b. Vacant seats on the Residential Appeals Committee.
  • c. SWAG appointed positions on all other SGA and University committees, councils, boards, and organizations.
  • d. All appointments are subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
  • 10. May dismiss, for stated cause and with a 2/3 majority vote of the Assembly, any official, committee member, or representative appointed by the Governor, provided said dismissal is consistent with policies of the board for which the appointee serves
  • 11. Shall take the initiative in organizing area government around issues of common interest.
  • 12. Shall perform other duties as delegated by the Executive Committee, relevant to those specified herein.
  • 13. Shall uphold and enforce the provisions of this Charter and its Bylaws and of the Constitution and General By-laws of the SGA. Above all, the Governor shall keep the best interests of the Southwest undergraduate population at heart.
  • 14. Shall appoint the Events Coordinator and Public Relations Officer of SWAG. These appointments shall be approved by the elected officers.
  • 15. Shall share the responsibility of overseeing SWAG payroll and ensure that all persons on payroll are fulfilling the duties of their position as described in the SWAG charter and SGA constitution.
  • 16. Shall appoint any unfilled Executive Committee positions with the approval of the remaining Executive Committee.
  • C. The Lieutenant Governor:
  • 1. Shall be the deputy chief presiding officer of SWAG.
  • 2. Shall advise the Governor in matters that ensure that SWAG operates in a manner consistent with the Charter and By-laws of SWAG and the Constitution and General By-laws of the SGA, and should seek guidance from the Attorney General of the SGA when necessary.
  • 3. Shall share in the supervision and coordination of SWAG’s programs and events.
  • 4. Shall perform other duties as delegated by the Executive Committee, relevant to those specified herein
  • 5. Shall assume the duties of the Governor in the event of a temporary absence or, in the case of a permanent absence, shall become Governor for the duration of the unfinished term of office.
  • 6. Shall be responsible for establishing and developing a House Council for each undergraduate hall in Southwest and a working relationship with each Council.
  • 7. Shall be the main point of contact between the Southwest House Councils and the SWAG Executive Board.
  • D. The Secretary:
  • 1. Shall be the chief clerk and maintainer of permanent records of SWAG
  • 2. Shall prepare and distribute minutes for all Assembly meetings.
  • 3. Shall ensure that each House Council President and Assembly representative receives an up-to-date copy of the Constitution and General By-laws of the SGA and the Charter and By-laws of SWAG within two weeks of the election of the House Councils, and shall provide additional copies to anyone who requests one.
  • 4. Shall perform other duties as delegated by the Executive Committee, relevant to those specified herein.
  • 5. Shall forward all minutes and other documents deemed to be public records to the Secretary of Administrative Affairs at least twice monthly.
  • 6. Shall facilitate actions in compliance with Title III, Chapter 11, Section 1, Subsection 1 of the General By-laws of the SGA.
  • E. The Treasurer:
  • 1. Shall be the chief financial officer of SWAG.
  • 2. Shall have Signature Responsibility for SWAG accounts.
  • 3. Shall be responsible for the financial records of SWAG.
  • 4. Shall be responsible for the administration and disbursement of SWAG funds.
  • 5. Shall be responsible for the authorization of payment for invoices received through the Center for Student Development.
  • 6. Shall be responsible for the identification, security, and maintenance of SWAG property and inventory. The Treasurer shall be responsible for reporting and acquisition and condition of SWAG property and inventory to the SGA Office when requested.
  • 7. Shall develop a working knowledge of the SGA Budget process and how to petition the Finance Committee and Ways and Means for funds.
  • 8. Shall take precautions to avoid incurring a deficit in SWAG accounts.
  • 9. Shall exercise his/her best judgment when encountering financial problems, questions, and disputes.
  • 10. Shall perform other duties as delegated by the Executive Committee, relevant to those specified herein.
  • 11. Shall honor and work within the parameters of the SWAG Budget.
  • 12. Shall share the responsibility of overseeing SWAG payroll and ensure that all persons on payroll are fulfilling the duties of their position as described in the SWAG charter and SGA constitution.
  • F. The Events Coordinator:
  • 1. Shall share in the supervision and coordination of SWAG’s programs and events.
  • 2. Shall perform other duties as delegated by the Executive Committee, relevant to those specified herein.
  • 3. Shall take the initiative in organizing area government event planning and programming.
  • G. The Public Relations Officer:
  • 1. Shall share in the supervision and coordination of SWAG’s programs and events.
  • 2. Shall perform other duties as delegated by the Executive Committee, relevant to those specified herein.
  • 3. Shall take the initiative in advertising and promoting area government events, area government sponsored programs, and the area government itself.
  • 4. Shall oversee the proper functioning of the SWAG website.

Section 2         Term of Office

  • A. The term of office of Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary and Treasurer shall officially begin on the June 1st following election and shall officially end on May 31st of the following year.
  • B. In the period of time between election to office and officially beginning their term of office, individuals shall hold the respective titles “Governor-Elect,” “Lt. Governor-Elect,” “Secretary-Elect,” and “Treasurer-Elect,” and shall be ex-officio members of the Assembly and the Executive Committee.
  • C. In the event of an officer vacancy other than the position of Governor, the Governor shall appoint, with the approval of the Executive Committee, a replacement for the duration of the unfinished term.

Section 3         Impeachment and Recall

  • A. Justification for initiating acts of impeachment
  • 1. Violations of the SGA Constitution.
  • 2. Violations of the SWAG Charter.
  • B. Articles of Impeachment may be initiated by a signed petition from any of the following:
  • 1. 8 members of the Assembly or
  • 2. 250 Southwest Area residents.
  • C. Once an article of Impeachment is submitted, it
  • 1. Must be brought to the next full meeting of the Assembly, where it becomes a motion to Recall.
  • a. An officer being recalled shall be afforded an opportunity to address the assembly for 15 minutes which shall not be infringed by any person.
  • 2. Must then be tabled for one week, and then voted upon.
  • a. An officer is recalled should the motion pass with a ¾ majority.
  • D. Following the vote, regardless of the outcome, notification of the matter must be forwarded to the Administrative Affairs Committee and the Secretary of Administrative Affairs.

Article VI: Financial Policy

Section 1         SWAG Budget

SWAG receives a per capita percentage of allocable Student Activities Trust Fund fee revenue, not to be less than $3.00 per fee-paying student.  This is a provision of Article VIII, Section 3 of the SGA Constitution.

  • A. In the interest of fiscal responsibility, there shall be a SWAG budget, which shall be drafted and proposed by the Executive Committee each spring for the following fiscal year.
  • B. In preparing the SWAG budget, the Executive Committee shall conservatively estimate the anticipated SATF allocation. If the actual allocation is less than projected, or if there are unavoidable unbudgeted expenses, SWAG shall proportionately decrease expenditures (where possible).
  • C. The SWAG budget shall be used to provide for the following:
  • 1. SWAG Operations – SWAG Operations shall include: phones, printing, paper, office supplies, and repairs;
  • 2. Payroll – SWAG shall be allocated funds in accordance with Act 96-S42 of the SGA to compensate SWAG officers for 5 hour per week, 14 weeks per semester at a rate equal to state minimum wage.
  • 3. General Finance – At the discretion of the Executive Committee, SWAG shall make its funds available to groups which petition for funds from the Executive Committee. These funds may be allocated to RSOs, House Councils and Residence Life staff may petition for co-sponsorship of events. All programs and activities to be funded under General Finance must be consistent with Title V, Chapter 5 of the Bylaws of the SGA. In accordance to SATF financial policy, no funds may be transferred from an SATF account to any non-SATF account. Petitions for funding will be considered on a first come, first serve basis. The following requirements must be met in order for a group’s proposal to be considered:
  • a. Submit a proposal;
  • b. Present proposal at least two (2) weeks before the actual event;
  • c. Follow any other guidelines set by SWAG for petitioning for funds, as set forth in the Bylaws;
  • d. Any funding allocated by SWAG must be for an activity taking place in the Southwest Area or must be directly beneficial to the Southwest Residential Area;
  • e. Any organization that receives funding from SWAG must publicly acknowledge SWAG’s contribution. Failure to do so will make a group ineligible for any further funds for that academic year;
  • 4. Events for the Residents of the Southwest Residential Area, especially Southwest Week, which shall be budgeted at least 35% of SWAG SATF allocation.

Section 2         Financial Details

  • A. The Signature Authority of SWAG accounts shall be vested in the Treasurer and the Governor. The Treasurer shall be informed of all financial transactions authorized by the Governor at the earliest possible time after said transactions have been executed.
  • B. SWAG shall not fund organizations or programs, or perform activities, which are properly the responsibility of the university.
  • C. SWAG shall not allocate funding to any of the following:
  • 1. Organizations or programs whose primary functions are not directly beneficial to the Southwest Residential area.
  • 2. Organizations or programs, which are not primarily initiated, organized, funded, or managed by SWAG members.
  • D. SWAG shall petition for additional funding from Housing and Residence Life (CEF, other), Dining Services, UMass Arts Council, the Dean of Students Office, the Chancellor’s Office, other University administrative agencies, the SGA, outside corporations, and/or other funding sources if necessary.

Article VII: Judicial Review

Actions of SWAG with regard to the Charter shall fall under the jurisdiction of the Student Judiciary, as defined by the SGA Constitution and Bylaws.

Article VIII: House Councils

Section 1         Definition

There shall be a House Council of, by, and for students in each undergraduate Southwest cluster.  House Councils are under the jurisdiction of SWAG.

Section 2         Governance

  • A. Each Southwest House Council shall operate under Title V, Chapter 14 of the SGA bylaws.
  • B. Southwest House Councils shall be popularly elected, in a manner set forth inTitleV, Chapter 16 of the General By-laws of the SGA

Section 3         Fiscal Matters

Southwest House Councils shall raise, petition, and expend funds subject to all SGA, SWAG, and Housing and Residence Life regulations and policies.

Section 4         House Council Officer Impeachment and Recall

  • A. Justification for initiating acts of impeachment
  • 1. Violations of the SGA Constitution.
  • 2. Violations of the SWAG Charter.
  • B. Articles of Impeachment may be initiated by a signed petition from any of the following:
  • 1. 3 House Council Officers of the same cluster or
  • 2. 100 residents of the House Council Officers constituency.
  • C. Once an article of Impeachment is submitted, it
  • 1. Must be brought to the next full meeting of the Assembly, where it becomes a motion to Recall.
  • a. An officer being recalled shall be afforded an opportunity to address the assembly for 15 minutes which shall not be infringed by any person.
  • 2. Must then be tabled for one week, and then voted upon.
  • a. An officer is recalled should the motion pass with a ¾ majority.
  • 3. Following the vote, regardless of the outcome, notification of the matter must be forwarded to the Administrative Affairs Committee and the Secretary of Administrative Affairs.

Article IX: Amendments, Bylaws, and Review

Section 1         Charter

  • A. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Assembly shall be necessary to amend this Charter.
  • B. Amendments to this Charter must be tabled by the Assembly for one (1) week before being considered.

Section 2         Bylaws

  • A. A majority vote of the Assembly shall be necessary to amend the Bylaws, or create new ones.
  • B. Changes to the Bylaws must be tabled by the Assembly for one (1) week before being considered.

Section 3         Review

In the interest of efficient and responsible government, the Executive Committee shall review this Charter every year with the newly elected officers, following their election.  Any modifications deemed necessary shall be incorporated into the Charter, and submitted to the Administrative Affairs Committee, Associate Speaker of the Senate and the Secretary of Administrative Affairs.


Southwest Area Government By-Laws

  • A. The officers of SWAG (4 Elected and 2 Appointed) shall be compensated in accordance with Act 96-S42 of the SGA, as follows:
  • 1. All officers shall be paid state minimum wage.
  • 2. All officers have five (5) paid hours weekly.
  • 3. The officers may be paid an additional 5 hours a week upon approval of the Secretary of Finance, provided the excess compensation does not total more than 10% of the SATF allocation for student payroll to Area Governments.
  • B. Requirements for funding from SWAG. To receive funding, any petitioning group must follow these procedures:
  • 1. Inclusion of the following information in the proposal
  • a. A detailed budget, itemizing expenditures as much as possible.
  • b. A list of other groups that are being petitioned for funds, and for how much.
  • c. A Description of the program, it’s intended audience, and it’s educational or social value.
  • 2. Follow the procedure established in Article VI, Section 1, Item C, part 3 of the SWAG Charter.
  • 3. All petitions for funding must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance.