
Trimble Resources

  • Trimble Learn Portal – This portal has many documents and courses for a large variety of Trimble equipment and software.
  • SketchUp Campus – This site is specific to SketchUp and its uses.

UMass Resources

We have several internal support and training documents and resources on our UMass cloud repository that can be accessed via the links below. Important: You will need to log in with your UMass credentials to view these.

PLEASE NOTE: These are strictly for research and teaching use by UMass’ students, faculty, and staff and may NOT be shared outside of UMass.

Lab users: If you have created any workflow documentation or examples and would like to share with other users, please send them to us and we’ll add them to the collection.

Equipment and Software


Lab Logos

Users of this lab can (and should) incorporate these into presentations, posters, and any acknowledgements.