Welcome to my test blog!

This site has a static Home Page and uses the Spacious theme. Most tests are collected on the Posts page. There are also tests on various pages you can link to from the Pages menu (in the top navigation).

Static front page (instead of a blog or archive page), no Sidebar.

If you want a “static front page,” instead of your blog posts on the home page, you can set that from your Dashboard under Settings > Reading or Customize > Homepage Settings.

Some themes let you choose a full width or special front page template.  Some don’t. So if you want to loose the sidebar, you’ll have to find the right theme.  Perhaps this will help: A Guide to Blog Themes.

Carousel Slider

Here’s a Carousel Slider showing recent posts. Activate the Carousel Slider plugin to add a slider to a page. It works with a “short code.” Sliders look best on a full width page, so look for a theme that allows that.

If you don’t set a featured image for a post, you just get a gray box in the carousel.

Also note how the “post excerpt” teaser from the post doesn’t display very well for posts with embedded content at the top of the post. You could hide the with custom CSS code (advanced).  Or you might like the slider that comes with a different themes  better, such as Dazzling, Farben Pro, Enfold or Zee Noble. The advantage of the Carousel Slider is that it can be added to any theme.

Embed Content from ArcGIS Online
What's the best way to embed content from ArcGIS Online in WordPress? …
Foo Gallery 5/21/20
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Testing Instagram Feed
Test adding images
Here  a single image: Here's a WP Gallery [gallery link="file" columns="2" ids="2569,2575,2573,2571" …

Footer Widgets

This theme provides four widget areas at the bottom of the page. Called “footer sidebars,” a bit of a misnomer? It’s blog history:  initially, the only widget area was at the side, thus “sidebar.”

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